17 Vintage Photos From The Public Archives To Give You A Different Perspective – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

17 Vintage Photos From The Public Archives To Give You A Different Perspective

July 4, 1983. Watermelon eating contest

I’ve always liked the vintage photos. It seems to me that I can peek into the lives of people who lived dozens of years ago and just from a capture, I can build an entire novel in my mind. For example, there are 5 people wearing hats and suits and playing cards somewhere on a public place.

I can stare at that picture for hours, examining every detail and trying to place it somewhere in our history. These 17 vintage photos taken from the public archives are meant to convince you, also, that you can discover a thousand things in a picture if you look close enough. You can learn about places, people, their activities, their clothes, even their well-being from these vintage photos.

Some of them portray normal people, some of them captured important moments in the history of man, personalities and events. We say these 17 photos will provide a good journey down the history lane for a history and antiques enthusiasts. Are you excited?

h/t: theawesomedaily

191…something. Farmer and dog on a farm in Port Alberni

April 25, 1923. Haskins & Elliot Bicycles exterior
You could get: equipment and supplies, maintenance and repair and parts.

Lt Col Robert Chew’s office in the headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Bergen

May 25, 1965. Saturn SA-8 Mission Launches Pegasus 2
This is when they delivered three satellites into low-Earth, meant for studying the frequency of micrometeorite impacts on spacecraft.

Postcard: Billy Barker Inn, Quesnel, BC, 1962

August 6, 1973. Alan Bean – Skylab Spacewalk
This is a really genius picture. You can see Astronaut Alan L. Bean, the commander of the second Skylab crew, take place in the last extravehicular activity of that mission. The picture was taken by astronaut Owen K. Garriott and you can see his reflection in Bean’s helmet. You can also see the Earth there. How cool is that?

1948. Jacksonville. Corner store owned by the Phoenix Loan Corporation

June 1967. Children peacefully sharing a banana split at Jaxson’s Ice Cream Parlour in Dania

April 21, 1972. Orion on the Moon
A day in the life of Astronaut John W. Young, commander of the Apollo 16 lunar landing mission

October 22 1992. Astronaut Mae Jemison working in Spacelab-J module

Men playing cards in Centenial Place, Brisbane

1942. Three men ski jumping in the Snowy Mountains Region of New South Wales

Billy Day at 9 years old, on a flying jump turn

19 December 1919. Lord French Ambush
IRA tried to assassinate the British Lord Lieutenant Lord French. Here is a sergeant pointing to the bullet hole.

Mountain Park, Alberta. Just a usual Sunday baseball game

Joey, 1942. An American soldier with his little pet