Drag Queen From Manchester Is So Good At Makeup, He Can Turn Into Literally Any Person – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Drag Queen From Manchester Is So Good At Makeup, He Can Turn Into Literally Any Person

Have you ever wanted to look like someone else? Well, Alexis Stone, an incredible makeup artist with almost 840k followers on Instagram, can look like anyone he wants. This beautiful British drag queen transforms himself into any celebrity he wishes to. Using makeup and a lot of skill, he can easily look like Angelina Jolie, for example, or Britney Spears. He even turns himself into characters from movies.

More: Instagram, Facebook h/t: boredpanda

“I love the ability to transform myself into others. The ability to play dress-up every day whilst becoming someone else for a moment keeps me sane and inspires me and those around me. Studying someone’s face is what I do best and using makeup to alter mine to resemble them is part of the process,” the artist told Bored Panda.

Alexis Stone also has a YouTube channel where he posts videos often. His content focuses on, of course, makeup and drag. You can also find some reactions to the drama going on in the YouTube community. If you’re interested in checking out the makeup transformation behind the scenes, go check out Alexis’ channel.

Turning into celebrities is just a small part of Alexis’ makeup journey. He also does amazing glam makeup and even turns himself into scary creatures and characters from horror movies, like Freddy Krueger from Nightmare on Elm Street.

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