This Artist Turns Sketches Into Amazing Digital Art – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Artist Turns Sketches Into Amazing Digital Art

Leaving Home

According to Antti Karppinen, a digital artist, photographer, retoucher and educator from Finland: “For a digital artist like me, getting those unique ideas for my images is one of the most important things. I see them in my dreams, when I read a magazine, or pretty much anywhere I go. When I get the idea, I need to sketch it out fast to my notebook so I won’t forget it.

Here you can see a bunch of my projects with sketches that I have drawn in my notebook. There are always some tweaks to the concept or the image itself, but many times my sketch and final image almost are a one-to-one match.

In my notebook, there are many more similar sketches just waiting for their time to be created as a final image.”

More: Antti Karppinen, Instagram h/t: boredpanda

Running Out of Time

The Edge

Stormy Relationship

Turn the Blind Eye

Layers of Being Human


Gary V

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