Positive Vandalism: The Artist Creates Street Art in The Most Unusual Places
According to Heiko Silva: “The positive vandalism is the fight against the tedium, monotony, boredom, sobriety, apathy, and industrialization that today drowns every bit of town or city that surrounds us.
It is a grain of sand to bring out small smiles, it is to stimulate the mind of the pedestrian who runs in a hurry to his destination and, for a moment, steal a second of his time and thought about something out of the planned. It is to give color to the gray and white that it invades us, it is giving nature to the concrete and brick that suffocates it, it is putting something where before there was “nothing”.
Also, I donate a percentage of all my earnings to animal associations.”
More: SerenguetiArt, Instagram h/t: boredpanda