Artist Creates Mesmerising Images that Skilfully Blend Adorable with Eerie, Charming with Uncanny – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Creates Mesmerising Images that Skilfully Blend Adorable with Eerie, Charming with Uncanny


UK-based artist Peppa Potter has a talent for creating captivating, ethereal images. Her creations draw heavily from folklore, mythology and nature, resulting in a unique fusion of fantasy and reality that is distinctly her own.

Her “Abandoned Creatures” series features a series of fantastical creatures, each one surpassing the last in cuteness. Peppa’s use of a greyscale palette and soft lines combine to create simple yet unforgettable compositions. Despite their sometimes disturbing appearance, her creatures are not meant to inspire fear. On the contrary, they evoke empathy, a desire to understand their stories, their loneliness, their abandonment. It is this emotional resonance that makes Abandoned Creatures so compelling.

More: Instagram, Etsy h/t: theinspirationgrid

Peppa Potter 1658053583 2884284965265286966 456168353
Peppa Potter 1660767170 2907048185785393916 456168353
Peppa Potter 1661542427 2913551508378164949 456168353
Peppa Potter 1665071516 2943155659532757584 456168353
Peppa Potter 1665328283 2945309573367636487 456168353
Peppa Potter 1665514132 2946868591123615733 456168353
Peppa Potter 1665770808 2949021744228461985 456168353
Peppa Potter 1665858884 2949760576355629871 456168353
Peppa Potter 1666200357 2952625058212736871 456168353
Peppa Potter 1666273678 2953240125210970263 456168353
Peppa Potter 1668023707 2967920426106220415 456168353
Peppa Potter 1676131840 3035936378230691929 456168353
Peppa Potter 1678033806 3051891225887157937 456168353
Peppa Potter 1678182018 3053134520881688252 456168353
Peppa Potter 1679839559 3067038977667205355 456168353
Peppa Potter 1679933992 3067831141040966348 456168353
Peppa Potter 1681309409 3079368972162993294 456168353
Peppa Potter 1683035739 3093850477643834355 456168353
Peppa Potter 1683397345 3096883849349610693 456168353
Peppa Potter 1683820204 3100431052538338473 456168353
Peppa Potter 1683971379 3101699199756969902 456168353
Peppa Potter 1684078839 3102600641310529623 456168353
Peppa Potter 1685894715 3117833305918121336 456168353
Peppa Potter 1687176508 3128585767465648872 456168353
Peppa Potter 1687182500 3128636032466242772 456168353
Peppa Potter 1687291760 3129552575929469662 456168353
Peppa Potter 1687978871 3135316475886209547 456168353
Peppa Potter 1688756213 3141837293810251061 456168353
Peppa Potter 1688990936 3143806295495155669 456168353
Peppa Potter 1689360440 3146905916593611167 456168353
Peppa Potter 1690573313 3157080232081566249 456168353
Peppa Potter 1692218305 3170879428605710390 456168353
Peppa Potter 1696272349 3204887212247208405 456168353
Peppa Potter 1696379676 3205787540420325485 456168353
Peppa Potter 1697047636 3211390789232081952 456168353
Peppa Potter 1697219363 3212831341320097926 456168353
Peppa Potter 1697478789 3215007568726358059 456168353
Peppa Potter 1697740421 3217202296889683039 456168353
Peppa Potter 1697788836 3217608430841833700 456168353
Peppa Potter 1697988543 3219283694722278370 456168353
Peppa Potter 1698249696 3221474403978283210 456168353

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