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There’s A Trend Of Photoshopping Celeb Pics To Meet ‘Modern Beauty Standards’ And Some Say It’s Messed Up

Julia Roberts

Social media, like Disney World, was supposed to be the happiest place on Earth until we realized it may be doing more harm than good. Especially when it comes to the so-called Insta aesthetics that promote heavily altered and photoshopped images to show a flawless physique. And as they have now become the norm, people are also realizing the damage they are doing to our self-esteem, mental health, and body image. Continue reading »

Japanese Illustrator’s ‘Real Museum Girls’ Series Reinterprets Classic Paintings In Social Networking Age

As you can guess from the header image showing Vermeer’s “The Girl with a Pearl Earring” and Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” enjoying selfies together, this article introduces a series of illustrations which reinterpret classic paintings with a modern twist, imagining the women in candid moments capturing their lives on social media. Continue reading »

The Art Of Social Approaching By Til Kolare

Édouard Manet, Portrait of Monsieur Pertuiset the Lion-Hunter (1881), São Paulo Art Museum

According to an artist Til Kolare: “In these strange times of social distancing a kind movement has grown of people taking care of each other in the large scale. At the same time there is this seemingly dangerous ambivalence in society. Certain groups resent and hatefully tackle societies integrity implying a world of violence and fear. Continue reading »

Micrashell: A Cyperpunk Protective Suit That Allows You To Safely Socialize In Times Of A Pandemic

Safety measures, social distance… the pandemic is not really compatible with the world of clubbing. The creative studio Production Club offers a solution for the music and nightlife industries by presenting the “Micrashell Suits”.

“An airborne virus has extended across the globe creating a pandemic, changing the way people perform their everyday tasks across the world. Social distancing measures have been introduced by the authorities as a way of slowing down the spread of the disease. However – beyond the obvious benefits of this action – there are certain drawbacks that make it only viable for a limited period of time, like its toll on mental health or its impact on the economy.” Continue reading »

Stay Safe & Keep On Dancing: The Dutch National Ballet And G-Star Present Safe Distance Ballet

Remko de Waal/EPA/EFE

Dancing together 1.5 meters apart? Let’s make it work! G-Star RAW and Dutch National Ballet join forces for a unique collaboration in which the ‘new reality’, social distancing, is visualized in an artistic way. Continue reading »

This Restaurant In Bangkok Uses Cartoon Dragon Dolls As Space Keepers For Social Distancing

Sakchai Lalit/AP Photo

These guests look special! They are green, they have wings and they don’t say a word. The dragons are of course not living beings, but figures. The owner of a restaurant in the country of Thailand in Asia has placed them at the tables in his restaurant. Continue reading »

Social Distance: A Graphic Story For The Coronavirus Age By Mark Haddon

In this touching story for the Guardian, artist Mark Haddon depicts a solitary man finding isolation no different from normal life. Continue reading »

This Cafe In Germany Gives Customers Hats With Pool Noodles To Keep Social Distancing

European countries are starting to slowly come alive again. One of them is Germany, where previous restrictions enforced by the state-wide lockdown measures are being relaxed. This is unsurprising as Germany’s been regarded as one of the countries that has dealt with the pandemic extremely well. Continue reading »

Vietnamese Restaurant Finds A Genius Way To Help Their Customers Feel Less Lonely While Social Distancing Using Pandas

A lot of places are starting to open already, but there are still some worries and concerns about keeping social distance between people. Well, a Vietnamese restaurant in Thailand found the perfect solution for how to keep their customers apart—pandas! Continue reading »

A Restaurant In Australia Is Placing Cardboard Cutouts At Its Tables In An Attempt To Make Diners Feel More Comfortable

James D. Morgan/Getty Images

Restaurants and cafes in New South Wales are preparing to reopen with social distancing measures in place as the state government relaxes COVID-19 restrictions. Continue reading »

Not Only People Respect Social Distancing Rules – Animals Are Also Following The Recommendation Of WHO In Order To Stop Spreading The Coronavirus Pandemic

Cats respect the social distance rule of 1-meter even while hunting

The WHO (World Health Organization) advises that people should maintain at least 1 meter distance between them in order to prevent spreading the coronavirus infection, which already killed more than 154.726 people and over 2.2 million confirmed cases. Continue reading »

Artist Re-Imagines Classic Paintings To Obey Social Distancing Rules During The Coronavirus Pandemic

People across the globe have been instructed to obey social distancing rules for the foreseeable future amid the coronavirus pandemic. And following the new legislation, German based artist Til Kolare have reimagined a series of classic paintings in accordance with the law. Continue reading »

6 Feet Covers: Duo Artists Re-Designed Iconic Album Covers To Promote Social Distancing

L.A. artists Paco Conde and Beto Fernandez have redesigned a series of album covers to raise awareness about the importance of staying at least 6 feet away from each other, to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Social distancing is the new normal and it will be for a while. 6 feet or 1.8 meters is the distance that experts recommend we keep between each other. Continue reading »

Photographer Took His Drone To Capture How People Are Dealing With Quarantine

Accrording to a photographer Adas Vasiliauskas: “I took my drone and photographed people in their homes through their windows and terraces. It’s a 100% zero-human-contact way to see how people are going crazy during quarantine times. Continue reading »

Perfect Doormats For COVID-19 Social Isolation


Doormats are usually used as something to wipe your feet on, but if you really think about it, doormats hold a higher purpose during Coronavirus self-isolation. All of these are available on Etsy and Amazon for safe no-contact delivery. Direct links provided under each picture. Continue reading »

2020 Social Justice Kittens Calendar Is Here!

Creator of Crap Hound and the online LiarTownUSA blog returns with Kittens who will delight and amuse. This is a full-color, 12” x 12” grid-style wall calendar featuring kittens! Continue reading »

Romance And Surreal Situations By Yuval Robichek

Yuval Robichek’s illustrations come like a breath of fresh air in the often too heavy political climate of the Middle East. True to the mentality of the Tel Aviv “Bubble” where he now lives, Robichek’s subject is as a-political as can be. He takes his inspiration straight from the streets and the sea shores which he loves. Continue reading »

Defaced Banknotes Depict The Four Horsemen Of The British Political Apocalypse

We have been struck by the particularly caustic artwork of political satirist “wefail”. Continue reading »

Artist Takes A Critical Look At Modern Society Through His Thought-Provoking Illustrations

‘Compare to despair’

Sam Bailey is a 21-year-old illustrator from Slough, the United Kingdom who takes a critical look at various subjects that are a part of modern society. He creates thought-provoking illustrations and questions the world that we live in. Continue reading »

Photographer Posts The Alarming Results After Asking Teens To Make Their Selfies ‘Social Media Ready’

In the 21st century, social media has become an important part of many teenagers’ lives and the constant strive to appear ‘perfect’ in their pictures can lead to them various self-esteem issues. To shed more light on this issue, British creative agency M&C Saatchi teamed up with photographer John Rankin Waddell (better known as just ‘Rankin’) for a photo series titled ‘Selfie Harm‘. Continue reading »

Cartoonist’s Unique Take On Modern Life Will Leave You Asking For More

Ever wondered what art reimagined as fish would look like? Or what would cult classics be if they had post-modernist remakes? Most likely not, but a Canadian graphic designer is here to do it for you. John Atkinson, who features his work on his blog site Wrong Hands gives his unique take on everything random and wonderful. Continue reading »

Photos Of Time Before The Invention Of That Grossly Antisocial Device: The Smartphone

We’ve all heard our parents say it: “Look up from your phone every once in a while”, “Hey, talk to me don’t text”, “Why are you being so anti-social on your phone?” They claim that in the good old days everything was different… Continue reading »

“The Chronicle Of Unregistered Processes”: Contemporary Social Art By Mila Arbuzova

Mila Arbuzova spent her childhood in the downtown of Saint Petersburg. Her family lived in a block of flats in Grazhdanskaya Street where, according to Dostoevsky’s famous novel “Crime and Punishment”, the old female moneylender killed by Rodion Raskolnikov used to live. Continue reading »

“Antisocial” – The Irony Of Loneliness In Social Networks

Here is the “Antisocial” project of the American designer Mike Campau, who looks at the fall of the giants that have become Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Snapchat. A reflection on loneliness and our solitary publications, lost in the middle of an ocean of information, but also on the first signs of decline of these famous social networks. Continue reading »

Meet The Hater Box, A Random Contestation Generator As An Answer To Social Networks

Voluntarily provocative, The Hater Box transforms the principle of old split flap displays into a random generator of contestations, cold and impersonal. Continue reading »