Artist Spray Paints Floors Of Abanoned Buildings With Colorful Tile Patterns – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Spray Paints Floors Of Abanoned Buildings With Colorful Tile Patterns


Javier de Riba, an artist based in Barcelona, creates fascinating works of street art that make it seem as though the empty buildings he explores are paved with beautiful tile floors. Instead of actually tiling them, however, he simply paints on them with stencils and spray paint.


Riba, who works with the Reskate Arts & Crafts collective, has an extraordinarily diverse body of work, most of which focuses on semi-public pieces like his beautiful ’tiled floors.’ As he writes of himself on his website, “his restlessness brings him to question his personal style, and reinterpret it to best serve each project. For Javi, each piece challenges his aesthetic, driving him to try new styles and techniques while balancing his existing abilities with his desire for growth and exploration.” This definitely comes across in his work, so be sure to check out what else he’s come up with, too!

Via Bored Panda (H/t: Colossal)

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