Artist Draws Disney Animals As Humans While Keeping Their Unique Personalities In Tact – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Draws Disney Animals As Humans While Keeping Their Unique Personalities In Tact


Ever wondered what Lady from Lady And The Tramp would look like if she were human? Maybe, maybe not, but artist s0alaina has given it a lot of thought. S0alaina has recreated many of Disney’s most iconic animals as humans, and the results are pretty awesome!

S0alaina writes via Bored Panda, “I’ve often wondered what these animals would look like if they were human and I have enjoyed others’ illustrations of this concept. But I noticed that most of these versions lacked character consistency thus making them not quite as believable and lovable.”

In order to stay true to the original Disney animals, s0alaina keeps them in the context and style of the movie they are from.

“I decided to draw them in the styles of their movies, and keep consistent shape language and features to interpret the character in a more thorough and believable way… I had LOADS of fun doing this!”

Enjoy taking a peek at what Disney animals would look like if they walked upright on two-legs and talked too much.



“I think this one was harder, because O’Malley’s such a bulky character, in face and build, so he makes kind of a funny looking human. And maintaining the 1900-1910s look was hard to do for Duchess because her hair would look much better as a 20s girl~ but I found an appropriate hairstyle.”

The Lion King


Lady And The Tramp




Disney Horses


“This is my interpretation of Samson, Pegasus, Frou Frou, and Khan if they were human! I just chose a few of my favorite horses, and I may do some more. Still laughing about how Frou Frou is virtually the only female Disney horse.”

Jungle Book




Oliver And Company


“The picture looked so unbalanced with just Dodger and Oliver, so I added Rita in there (because she’s one of my favorite animal characters).”

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Via Earth Porm, Bored Panda