Luxury ‘Doomsday Bunker’ Will Allow 34 Super Rich Families To Survive The Apocalypse – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Luxury ‘Doomsday Bunker’ Will Allow 34 Super Rich Families To Survive The Apocalypse

Blast door crane

What do you buy the billionaire that has everything? A one way ticket to life after Armageddon.

Blast door

When the end of the world comes, even wealthy people will not be spared. Unless, of course, they’ve managed to buy themselves a spot in a massive underground apocalypse bunker.

Lounge area

Whilst is handy, because the super rich have been invited to buy up a place in a five star shelter in Rothenstein, Germany, which is designed to allow them to live underground for a year and then emerge “when the worst is over”.

Main living ara

Just 34 “high worth” families will be welcomed into the European doomsday den, with prices only available on application.

Dining area

The sumptuous $1billion building is fitted with swimming pools, gyms and theatres so the rich don’t get too bored whilst the rest of us are all busy killing or being killed.


Originally a Soviet-era Cold War base, it offers the perfect balance between luxury and safety.


“Vivos is the most affordable way to secure ownership and space for you and your loved ones in a real underground shelter built to withstand virtually any envisioned catastrophe,” its owners wrote to Mirror.


The Vivos website lists all the bizarre conspiracy theories wheeled out to suggest the world is about to end.


“We have all heard the prophecies of the ‘End Times’,” the company wrote.

Bedroom queen bunks

“The Bible warns of it. Nostradamus foresaw it. Edgar Cayce predicted it. The Hopi Indians, the Third Secret of Fatima, Saint Malachy and prophets throughout the ages all warn of the same epic global catastrophes that will befall upon the Earth.”


“We have been warned of Armageddon, Nibiru/Planet X, a sudden pole shift, future plagues, an EMP blast, a solar kill shot, a super volcanic eruption, major earth changes, killer asteroids and comets, mega tsunami’s, an economic meltdown and even the anarchy that will certainly follow any one of these events.”

Security entrance

Luckily for some, Vivos is now n a “race against time” to build a global network of underground community shelters, comparing its mission to the construction of Noah’s Ark.

Exercise kennels

Garden area

Utility area

Electrical water systems


Hot water sevage systems

Interior over preassure door

Interior blast door

Blast valves

NBC filter wall blast valves

NBC filter wall


Via Mirror

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