Creepstastic Body Paintings From A 16-Year-Old Artist – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Creepstastic Body Paintings From A 16-Year-Old Artist


Lara Wiкth, aka ArmageddonPainted, is only 16 years old and is already setting the body painting world ablaze with the quality of her creeptastic creations. She paints eerily realistic fantasy creatures with such uncanny attention to detail that it’s nearly disturbing at times.

h/t: boredpanda, upshout


“I was inspired to start after falling in love with the extraordinary characters in movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean and X-Men. Then when I discovered the reality TV show FaceOff where they compete with SFX makeup and heard that many of them taught themselves, I decided it was time for me to give it a go! I used mainly Youtube to learn the basics from channels such as Madeyewlook and Glam and Gore. I started on my 14th birthday and have now been teaching myself for over a year.” – Lara told Bored Panda.


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