This Life-Size Crochet Skeleton Is So Intricate, The Stomach Even Has Half-Digested Food In It – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Life-Size Crochet Skeleton Is So Intricate, The Stomach Even Has Half-Digested Food In It

If you’re an artist, there are so many mediums to have fun with. So when Shanell Papp from Lethbridge, Canada decided to explore the human body she picked a method that excited her just as much as the theme. Crochet.

“I began crocheting from books,” Papp told Bored Panda. “It was part of my whole fascination with textiles and string. My grandmother ran a junk shop and I was encouraged to take textiles materials and examine old projects. I began to teach myself to sew, knit, crochet, rug hook, macrame, etc. I kinda had a weird set up ask a kid. Spare time and a junk shop to pick through.”

In total, her project LAB took her about eight months. Four of them to make the skeleton and another four to create the internal organs. “I was curious about the human body and I wanted to make a human body. I was interested in medical history and how we attempt to solve everything, but we are fragile.” To make it as close to the real deal as possible, the artist borrowed a human skeleton from a university and collected anatomical textbooks.

“This project encouraged me to make more textile work,” she added. “I was in art school at the time focusing on photography and made this as an independent studio project. Textiles were my secret skill that never had a celebrated place in contemporary art and art schools. It had no conceptual potential, it was just seen as a craft. I think this piece pushed me to push the medium and seek out other artists who work like me.”

More: Shanell Papp, Instagram h/t: boredpanda