“Game Of Sloths”: Artist Turned “Game Of Thrones” Characters Into Sloths With Their Best Quotes – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

“Game Of Sloths”: Artist Turned “Game Of Thrones” Characters Into Sloths With Their Best Quotes

The Sloth Conservation Foundation (SloCo) is a registered non-profit organisation dedicated to saving sloths in the wild through research and conservation initiatives. Based on the belief that every single person has the ability to make a positive difference, we are focused on inspiring individuals to care about sloths, to protect the rainforest ecosystem and to safeguard a future for the planet that we all share.

Sloth populations are in decline throughout South and Central America as they struggle to adapt to the urbanisation of the rainforest. Saving these incredible animals from extinction now requires innovative and long-term conservation solutions that provide sustainable ways for sloths to coexist with the people sharing their habitat. We have developed a range of community-based programs that help us to achieve this mission.

“Do you love sloths and a Song of Ice and Fire? I work in wildlife conservation and with much love, l made these pics with some of our favorites characters and their famous quotes for you to enjoy.”

More: The Sloth Conservation Foundation h/t: boredpanda