Artist Shows In Comics How She And Her Husband Are Spending Days In Self-Isolation – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Shows In Comics How She And Her Husband Are Spending Days In Self-Isolation

According to Julie Liu: “Hi, I’m Julie. I love drawing comics to make people smile and give a positive outlook on life!

To encourage social distancing and self-isolation, I started drawing what my husband and I have been doing daily to give people ideas on how to spend their time. I portray myself as a weird rabbit-like character, and my husband is the monkey.

I hope when people read my comics, they can realize that they are not alone. We may all be self-isolating, but we are all doing the same things together!

I have been illustrating adventures with my husband since 2012, it has been and always will be my way of expressing my love and gratitude for our time together.”

More: Julie Liu, Instagram h/t: boredpanda