The Tiny Island Housing London’s Last ‘Coronavirus-Free’ Community » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
The Tiny Island Housing London’s Last ‘Coronavirus-Free’ Community – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

The Tiny Island Housing London’s Last ‘Coronavirus-Free’ Community

Aaron Chown/PA

Home to 100 people, Tagg’s Island has remained covid-free during lockdown – and wants to keep things that way, as the coronavirus pandemic has taken its toll on London.

However, on a small island in the Thames, one community remains covid-free, and hopes to stay that way. Tagg’s Island, set on a stretch of the river in Richmond upon Thames, is home to a ‘floating community’ made up of over 100 residents who live on more than 60 houseboats.

h/t: telegraph

Aaron Chown/PA

Houses are not permitted to be built on Taggs Island, but each houseboat has a small garden, with vehicle access by a road bridge near Hampton Court Palace.

Aaron Chown/PA

During the lockdown, residents of the island have put signs up discouraging tourists and members of the public from exercising there.

Aaron Chown/PA

Aaron Chown/PA

Aaron Chown/PA

Aaron Chown/PA

Aaron Chown/PA

Aaron Chown/PA

Aaron Chown/PA

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