Japanese Art Student Creates Terrifyingly Beautiful Forest Of Despair – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Japanese Art Student Creates Terrifyingly Beautiful Forest Of Despair

When you take a walk in the woods, you usually ready yourself for stumbling upon mud, bugs, rash-causing leaves and at worst snakes. Imagine shining your flashlight in the middle of the night of a camping excursion and finding this:

Scary, right? Don’t worry, the terrifying Silent Hill-esque faces you see spawning out of bamboo trees are simply the amazing but unnerving work of Japanese university Keita Motooka.

More: Instagram, Twitter h/t: grapee

According to an interview with FNN, Motooka expertly crafted the faces out of dead leaves, dirt, and rice as a glue.

It was originally assigned as an art project by his university, but after lock down, turned to a hill property of his family. In the wake of the unseen death of corona, he felt the need to make humans. He certainly did, as scary as they are, they are amazing detailed works of art.

The detail of human expression is incredible, and it actually looks like the faces are growing out of bamboo trees. The amount of time it must of have taken to craft his given materials into such ghoulish fashion is amazing.