Artist Challenges Herself To A 100-Day Cat Meme Drawing Challenge » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Artist Challenges Herself To A 100-Day Cat Meme Drawing Challenge – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Challenges Herself To A 100-Day Cat Meme Drawing Challenge

Emily Paquin, aka Catwheezie, is an animation student who challenged herself to draw a cat meme every day for 100 days back on the 13th of June. She is currently on day 75 and it looks like she’s determined to reach that 100!

More: Emily Paquin, Instagram, Imgur h/t: demilked, boredpanda

In a recent interview with Bored Panda, Emily said that cats were actually the first thing that she ever learned to draw. She says that she always loved funny cat pictures and used to print out similar ones and glue them on her school notebooks.

As for the current 100-day challenge, the artist says that she finds most of the cats for her drawings on Instagram, and says that each one of the drawings takes her 2 to 3 hours to finish. “Usually, I work on several of them at a time so I can make sure I’ll have a new cat to post everyday,” says Emily. “A lot of planning goes into this project.”