Reconnect with Nature: Spectacular Winning Photos from The Rediscover Nature Photo Competition 2020 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Reconnect with Nature: Spectacular Winning Photos from The Rediscover Nature Photo Competition 2020

Isn’t nature full of wonders? No matter where we are, we can always appreciate its beauty. Have you ever sat near a quiet lake in a mountain, watched sparrows nesting in your garden or a tiny herb seedling grow on your kitchen windowsill? Taking in nature in all its beautiful shapes and forms can bring us a lot of joy – now possibly more than ever.

A praying mantis, a huddle of butterflies, Galician horses and an alpine sunset are the winners of this year’s European Environment Agency’s “Rediscover Nature” photo competition.

Green Road by Daniele Giannetti, finalist in the category Close-up of Nature. (Photo by Daniele Giannetti/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

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Zoom Out on Nature, winner. Horses in Galicia by Javier Arcenillas, taken in Galicia, Spain. (Photo by Javier Arcenillas/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Zoom Out on Nature, finalist. Surfing on the Waves by Gabriella Motta, taken in Genoa, Italy. (Photo by Gabriella Motta/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Zoom Out on Nature, finalist. Wolf Pack by Mateusz Piesiak, taken in Bialowieza national park, Poland. (Photo by Mateusz Piesiak/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Zoom Out on Nature, finalist. Via Diagonalis by Radoslav Sviretsov, taken in Pamporovo, Bulgaria. (Photo by Radoslav Sviretsov/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Youth prize, winner. Farewell to the Sun by Filip Hrebenda, taken in Western Tatras, Slovakia. (Photo by Filip Hrebenda/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Youth prize, finalist. Caring Mom by Shahadat Hossain, taken in Dhaka, Croatia. (Photo by Shahadat Hossain/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Youth prize, finalist. Sometimes We Just Have to See from Another Perspective by Andrés Pérez Salerno, taken in Valencia, Spain. (Photo by Andrés Pérez Salerno/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Youth prize, finalist. Calming Outlook by Jiri Novy, taken near London, England. (Photo by Jiri Novy/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Youth prize, finalist. The Arabesques of Glencoe by Chiara Bonvento, taken in Glencoe, England. (Photo by Chiara Bonvento/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Close-ups of Nature and Public Choice Award, winner. Window Of Autumn by Hasan Baglar, taken in Nicosia, Cyprus. (Photo by Hasan Baglar/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Close-ups of Nature, finalist. Airway for Ants by Fabio Sartori, taken in Lago Boracifero, Italy. (Photo by Fabio Sartori/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Close-ups of Nature, finalist. My Red Home by Biagio Alberto Scalia, taken in national park of Circeo, Latina, Italy. (Photo by REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Close-ups of Nature, finalist. At the Dentist by Rudolf Gonda, taken in Rogoznica, Croatia. (Photo by Rudolf Gonda/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Close-ups of Nature, finalist. A Swarm of Bees by Sebastian Škoić, taken in Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Photo by Sebastian Škoić/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Nature on My Doorstep, winner. Butterflyflower by Jaroslav Vyhnička, taken in Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovakia. (Photo by Jaroslav Vyhnička/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Nature on My Doorstep, finalist. I Want That Pomerade Grain by Biagio Alberto Scalia, taken in national park of Circeo, Latina, Italy. (Photo by Biagio Alberto Scalia/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Nature on My Doorstep, finalist. Mushrooms on My Roof by Tamara Wagner-Bosancic, taken in Gaming, Austria. (Photo by Tamara Wagner-Bosancic/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Nature on My Doorstep, finalist. Elish the Fox by Jaroslav Vyhnička, taken in Bilík’s Cottage, Slovakia. (Photo by Jaroslav Vyhnička/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Nature on My Doorstep, finalist. Betonbäumchen by Josef Hinterleitner, taken in Sierning, Austria. (Photo by Josef Hinterleitner/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

Nature on My Doorstep, finalist. This is Not Your Site by Juan Miguel, taken in Yecla, Spain. (Photo by Juan Miguel/REDISCOVER Nature/EEA)

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