Digital Illustrations That Expose The Flaws Of Today’s Society By Alireza Pakdel – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Digital Illustrations That Expose The Flaws Of Today’s Society By Alireza Pakdel

The works of the Iranian illustrator Alireza Pakdel criticize the current patterns of behavior in society and propose a reflection on issues that are left aside by a large part of the modern-day population.

In the images below, the artist is trying to address several themes such as capitalism, consumerism, technology, and the harm caused by humans to nature and animals who have to live in pollution.

We featured the author’s work here and here a few months ago with his comics portraying the sacrifice of health professionals in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. However, right now we would like to share some of his new work that takes on a different perspective and touches the morals and values of modern-day society.

More: Instagram, Facebook h/t: boredpanda