The object of art and the means through which it is created is an ever-evolving issue. Splashed paint on a canvas is a concept that is almost a hundred years old, and the evolution of art didn’t stop there, it kept on going. Nowadays, many artists try to rethink the objects that we face daily and try to use them in a creative way to advance art even further.
More: Alfaz Syam, Button Network h/t: boredpanda

Take, for example, Alfaz Syam, who one day began to create clothing and accessories out of keyboard caps. Sure, you wouldn’t think of keyboard keys as a great fashion item, but neither were pins and many other fashion staples that we’re used to seeing and wearing today. I don’t know about you, but I’d like to get these flip flops, they look comfortable and fresh as hell. And if you feel similar, just hit the artist up on his Instagram, and he’ll make it happen.