Svetlana Petrova Creates Cat-Infused Reproductions Of Famous Classical Paintings ( And 2025 Fat Cat Art Calendar!)
Svetlana Petrova reimagines famous artworks by incorporating playful images of her cats, starting with her orange cat Zarathustra and later including David Bowie and Tyger Blake.
Zarathustra, who loved posing dramatically, inspired the project with his charismatic antics, leading Svetlana to create the humorous series *FatCatArt* and her famous FatCatArt Calendar.
The calendar contains 12 pages (one for each month) and a cover, with various famous paintings improved by Zarathustra the Cat and his true disciples, cats Tyger Blake and David Bowie. Do you know that the first-ever Fat Cat Art Calendar appeared in 2015? So the 2025 Calendar is a JUBILEE one!
More: 2025 Fat Cat Art Calendar, Instagram h/t: boredpanda