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Search Results for “google street” – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Virtual Traveller Used Google Street View To Explore Poland During Quarantine, Here’s What She Found

According to Monika Stpiczyńska: “What should we all do during quarantine? Travel online! For example, to Poland. Discover these amazing images found on Google Street View!” Continue reading »

Google Street Images And Street View Scenes From Slavic Countries

Serbia – This little piggy went to the market

We take Google street in general just for informational purposes, but people do not realize there are hilarious images that were recorded during Google car tour. Maybe you have seen some funny images already but this time we bring you a Google Street View in Slavic style. Images that are funny, bizarre or just plain ridiculous is what we have here, so maybe after this you will go on the street view to find more funny stuff in your neighborhood. Continue reading »

20 Weirdest Images on Google Street View

1. Japan’s pigeon heads

In Japan, these pigeon role-players were waiting outside as the Google car passed by. Role-playing is cool and all but, not sure why anyone would to be one of the dirtiest birds ever. Continue reading »

Protect Yourself from Google Streetview with a Pixelhead

Worried about your picture showing up on Google Streetview? Sick of photos of yourself appearing on sites like Facebook? Here`s the solution!

The full face mask Pixelhead acts as media camouflage, completely shielding the head to ensure that your face is not recognizable on photographs taken in public places without securing permission. A simple piece of fabric creates a little piece of anonymity for the Internet age. The material used is stretch satin with a fashionable Pixel-style print of German Secretary of the Interior Thomas de Maizière. The mask has two holes for your eyes, so you can see and breathe comfortably while wearing the mask, secure in the knowledge that your image won’t be showing up anywhere you don’t want it to. Continue reading »

Google Street View Hits the Open Waters to Share Environment in the Amazon

Google team members sail a boat with a 360-degree camera system mounted on its top to record the “Street View for the Amazon” on the Negro River, around Tumbira Community, Amazonas State, on August 17. In partnership with Brazil’s Amazonas Sustainable Foundation (FAS), Google’s Street View for the Amazon project will capture 360-degree imagery of the Amazon’s Negro River and the adjacent communities to share the environment and local culture with the world. (Evaristo Sa / AFP – Getty Images) Continue reading »

World’s Largest Railway Model Is Now On Google “Mini” Street View


Google’s Street View, that lets you explore the world through the virtual eyes of street level cameras, has now shrunk itself to the size of a thumb, so that you can experience the world’s largest miniature model railway as if it has been blown to real size. Continue reading »

The Large-Scale Artworks & Street Art by Jorge Rodriguez-Gerada


Rodriguez-Gerada’s portraits, performed as murals or as terrestrial interventions that can be seen from space, more than the artist’s mark, reflect other people’s imprints. They are part of a memory that refuses to solely be a passing signal. Continue reading »

French Photographer Jason Guilbeau Outsmarted Lockdown To Find The Former USSR’s Strangest Street Relics

French photographer Jason Guilbeau has used Google Street View to virtually navigate Russia and the former USSR, searching for examples of a forgotten Soviet empire. Continue reading »

This Bulldog Loves Watching The Street Through A Hole, So His Owners Paint 2 Costumes On The Fence

The handsome 4-year-old English Bulldog comes from Gråsten, Denmark and his name is Bogart. Bogart’s owner, Ranveig Bjørklid Levinsen, decided to brighten everyone’s mood during the Coronavirus pandemic, and came up with a brilliant idea to paint costumes on the fence for her dog. Continue reading »

Anonymous Virtual Traveller Creates Stunning Minimalist Photos By Using Goolge Street View

The anonymous author behind this great account uses the incredible richness of Google Street View, whose camera has gone all the way to the desert! Continue reading »

Street Photos Taken At The Absolute Perfect Time


A lot of the time, catching the most perfect photos happen from being at the right place at the right time. Sometimes, it all depends on luck and how quick a photographer can click his camera’s button. If the photographer isn’t fast enough, he or she can miss their moment in the blink of an eye. And once special moments like these pass, they cannot be repeated.

Take a look at the photos we’ve compiled below to further understand what we mean by perfect timing. These are photos that can’t be recreated and are special because of that. Above: A bird flying by at the perfect time. Even the tear looks like a bird in the continuation. Continue reading »

Bizarre And Disturbing Google Maps Glitches By Kyle Williams


One afternoon not long ago, US artist Kyle Williams was leisurely looking through Google Street view for inspiration, when he came across a sight he’d never seen before: a girl with a leg coming out of her chest. He quickly took a screen shot and began looking for more. Continue reading »

This Street Art Duo Show Their Concerns With Planet Earth


Staying true to their focal and ongoing analysis of the relationship between humankind and nature, NEVERCREW has illustrated their observations on walls and shipping containers in India, United States, and Europe. Concerned with climate change and the future of humanity, pieces like “Black Machine” and “Ablating Machine” depict whales and polar bears in artistic and thought-provoking ways. Continue reading »

The Incredible Hyper-Realistic Spherical Paintings of Japanese Artist Daisuke Samejima


Daisuke Samejima is an incredibly talented Japanese artist, whose remarkable paintings look like they could be what you’d see through a fish-eye lens. While painting a three-dimensional object, animal or person on a flat canvas is challenging enough, imagine what it takes to do it on a spherical one. Not only does the artist need to make sure that the artwork looks convincing from any direction, they also need to adjust for the warping that comes with the shape of the canvas. Continue reading »

Artist Creates Colorful Illustrations Of Inviting And Cozy Japanese Houses

Have you ever heard of “Virtual Plein Air”? It is a term used to describe an act of creating art inspired by Google Street Views. Artists literally look for exciting or interesting places they can then use as a source for their illustrations. Continue reading »

50 Times People Ruined A Perfectly Good Panoramic Shot

“Interesting Panorama Shot Gave My Father-In-Law A New Look”


Taking pictures of our everyday lives and making more or less important memories is now easier than ever, especially if you have a smartphone. A great photo is just a click away, and it doesn’t matter that you won’t probably ever revisit about 90 percent of them. Continue reading »

Agoraphobic Artist Travels The World Without Leaving Her House

Jacqui Kenny has always wanted to travel the world, meet new people and discover different cultures, but she suffers from agoraphobia – an anxiety disorder characterized by fear of public spaces, public transportation, open spaces and/or large crowds – so she rarely gets to leave her house. Luckily, modern technology allows her to live out her dream, sort of. Continue reading »

Alberobello: The Italian Fairytale-Like Village In Beautiful Pictures By Tania Depascalis And Tiago Marques

Alberobello is a town in Italy’s Apulia region. It’s known for its trulli, whitewashed stone huts with conical roofs. The hilltop Rione Monti district has hundreds of them. The 18th-century Trullo Sovrano is a 2-level trulli. Furniture and tools at the Museo del Territorio Casa Pezzolla re-create life in the trulli as it was centuries ago. Southwest of town is the Casa Rossa, a WWII internment camp. Continue reading »

Man Dresses Up Every Sunday To Take His Grandmother To Church


By now most of the legends have already been debunked and sorted out. Except maybe for the one of the mysterious Sunday Man from Baltimore, Maryland. Continue reading »

Spectacular Winning Images of The 2022 Association of Photographers Awards

Project – Silver – Portrait of a Village
‘Documenting the Ukrainian village from which my family were taken by Nazis in 1942 – I’m the first of my family to ever go back. The village has witnessed great horrors: epidemics, famines, invasions and murders. The focus was my relief to find such a welcoming and colourful place. A wonderful Ukrainian community that didn’t echo my Black Sea German ancestor’s dark history. The Russian invasion of Ukraine has turned all that on its head. I’m deeply concerned about everyone involved in the project and fear history is repeating itself.’ Photograph: Catherine Losing/c/o AOP Continue reading »

Smartphone Snaps Surprise in The 2021 Mobile Photography Awards

Winner – Water, Snow, Ice. ‘San Clemente’. iPhone XS Max

Roger Clay

Established in 2011, the Mobile Photography Awards is a unique contest; as much as chronicle of smartphone camera evolution as a celebration of the art of mobile photography. In its 10th year it presents an indisputable case for the power of modern mobile photography. Continue reading »

“Back To The Nature”: Artist Combines Everyday Objects With Plants To Create Intriguing Sculptures And Installations

Christophe Guinet, known as Monsieur Plant, is a French artist who creates intriguing and unique sculptures and installations of plants and other organic materials. He masterfully brings them together with everyday objects, making unique works of art. Guinet was born in Paris, but spent his adolescence between the city and the countryside, where he developed a strong interest in the world of plants, which became his passion and work. Continue reading »

Artist Shows How Cartoon Characters Would Look In Real Life, And The Result Is Scary And Disturbing

Handsome Squidward

Cartoon characters from popular TV shows usually remind us of some warm memories from childhood. Remember when you used to sit on the sofa on weekend mornings and watch cartoons on mute before your mom caught you not sleeping? Continue reading »

Deer Enjoy Cherry Blossoms In An Empty Park In Nara, Japan

If you’re looking for something wholesome and positive in this time of uncertainty, then this spectacle might be just the thing for you. While we can’t travel physically, we might as well travel through the beautiful pictures and videos other people share. Continue reading »

French Artist Turns A Gas Tank Into A Giant 3D Sphynx Cat

If you come across Braga’s incredible 3D street art, you will certainly notice it and stop for a minute. This talented 33-year-old street artist from Marseille, France, whose real name is Tom Bragado Blanco, has the talent to confuse and deceive people’s eyes with his incredible artworks. Continue reading »