japanese » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
japanese – Page 3 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Japanese Company Has Made Authentic Wall Lights Out Of… French Bread

A bread has some interesting charms. There’re potentials besides just as food. Pampshade is a handmade product made from real bread. Continue reading »

Shocking Photographs Show Japanese Drinkers Using Pavements, Doorways And A Plant Pot As Impromptu Pillows After Succumbing To The Effects Of Alcohol

Japan has a relatively tolerant approach to public drunkenness and people are often just left to sleep it off. However, in this case an official is seen attempting to rouse someone who has passed out. Continue reading »

Rare Ferrari Daytona Found After 40 Years In Japanese Barn

Many thought this car didn’t even exist.

Ferrari had, in fact, only ever commissioned one street version of its Daytona with a full aluminum body. Completed in 1969, the car was exported to a Japanese dealership in 1971 and then featured in the January 1972 issue of Car Graphic, a Japanese motoring magazine. Continue reading »

Japanese Photographer Makes Absolutely Breathtaking Vacuum-Sealed Wedding Photos

When it comes to nuptial photos, it’s rare that we get to see a concept that’s never been done before. But Tokyo-based photographer Haruhiko Kawaguchi has come up with one that will – literally – take your breath away. Continue reading »

The Japanese Supercar That Almost Was – The Dome Zero

What do you get when you mix Japan’s burgeoning fortunes as an automaker in the 1970s along with a passel of frustrated racers? Continue reading »

Japanese Company Releases Line Of ‘Crotch Charms’ For Women To Dangle From Their Swimsuits Between Their Legs

A Japanese company is selling what might be one of the most uncomfortable and impracticable pieces of jewelry ever dreamed up. Continue reading »

Japanese Photographer Has Spent 15 Years Creating Vivid Portraits Of People Surrounded By Their Belongings

Miyako Kumagai, date unknown.

Mami Kiyoshi/Galerie Annie Gabrielli/The Guardian

Japanese artist Mami Kiyoshi has spent 15 years creating vivid portraits of people surrounded by their belongings – from wine bottles and violins to the odd stray pet. Mami Kiyoshi’s ongoing series “New Reading Portraits” is, in part, a nod to the mise-en-scène found in traditional woodcut printing. Continue reading »

Japanese Artist Nobuhiro Nakanishi Creates Fantastic Layered Drawings

The passage of time affects everybody but rarely do we reflect on what this means. Japanese artist Nobuhiro Nakanishi created a series of artwork which does exactly that. Continue reading »

A Look Inside This Starbucks Modeled After A Japanese Teahouse

Starbucks’ latest venture in Kyoto, Japan, includes a new location in a traditional teahouse. Continue reading »

Surreal Photos Of Japanese Playground Equipment At Night By Kito Fujio

In 2005 Kito Fujio quit his job as an office worker and became a freelance photographer. And for the last 12 years he’s been exploring various overlooked pockets of Japan like the rooftops of department stores, which typically have games and rides to entertain children while their parents are shopping. More recently, he’s taken notice of the many interesting cement-molded play equipment that dots playgrounds around Japan. Continue reading »

Japanese T-Shirt Uses Optical Illusion To Give Breasts To Even The Flat-Chested

Japanese fashion company ekoD Works has a unique sensibility. The company touts itself as specializing in “humorous art and design.” Continue reading »

Japanese Photographer Releases Book Of Breasts And Cats

If there’s one thing you see more of on the internet than boobs, it’s cats.

So innovative Japanese photographer Yuki Aoyama has done what now seems so obvious: combined the two. His collection, released in a book titled ‘Painyan’ (a pun in Japanese on the words for ‘breast’ and ‘meow’), contains 96 pages of beautiful women with cute kitties. The contented cats can be seen pawing at cleavages, settling inside blouses and even resting between two sets of breasts. Continue reading »

Japanese Woman Spotted Walking In These Amazing “Pigeon Shoes”

A woman created pigeon shaped shoes as she was worried her normal ones might cause distress. She wanted to be close to the birds without scaring them, so crafted the realistic-looking footware at home. The shoe designer, named online as Kyoto Ohata, has inspired others to make their own version of the heels. Continue reading »

Japanese Photographer Spends His Life Shooting Women’s Thighs

Introducing Yuria, a mysterious Japanese photographer who makes a living by taking photos of women’s thighs (“futomomo” in Japanese) – over 30,000 photos to be precise. Yuria is a self-proclamed “Futomomo Artist“. Continue reading »

Japanese Artist Transforms Old Newspapers Into Expressive Creatures

Spirited monkeys, inquisitive rabbits, placid walruses, and other species come to life in Chie Hitotsuyama’s studio. Working with glue and twisted rolls of newspaper, the Tokyo-based artist crafts three-dimensional portraits of animals that are full of personality. Continue reading »

Incredible Japanese Statues Made With Dead Bugs

If you don’t like bugs, living or dead, then perhaps you might want to sit this one out. Yoneji Inamura, a resident of Gunma Prefecture, has created some unusual sculptures. This samurai doll was created in 1970. It took ten months to complete and is made from 5,000 preserved insects. Continue reading »

Japanese Photographer Captures Very Sad Stray Cats And Their Games

A Japanese photographer who goes by Nyan Kichi has made friends with a colony of feral cats. He’s found that the cats particularly love to play in an area where the street has a lot of drain holes. They don’t seem to enjoy Nyan Kichi’s attempts at a gentle game of Whack-a-Mole, but they don’t mind having their pictures taken at all. Continue reading »

“Memoirs Of The Geisha” – A Look Back At The Traditional Japanese Female Entertainers

Two geishas receive a visiting samurai, Japan, circa 1880:

Hulton Archive

A long standing stigma has been placed on Japanese Geisha girls. When someone thinks of a Geisha, they think of a glorified prostitute or call girl. This is far from the truth. Geisha’s are entertainers, and they are trained vigorously in art, music and dancing. If you translate Geisha into English, you get artist.

Being a true Geisha is an honor to the girls, who when they become full-fledged Geisha’s are then called geiko. If a girl begins her training to be a geisha before she is 21, she is called a maiko, meaning child dancer. A girl or woman can become a geisha even if she wasn’t a maiko, but if she had been a maiko she would enjoy much more prestige. Continue reading »

Intricate Fruit & Vegetable Carvings By Japanese Artist Gaku

Japan has a rich tradition of food carving called mukimono. If you’ve ever eaten at a fancy restaurant in Japan you might have found a carrot carved into a bunny, garnishing your plate. But in the hands of Japanese artist Gaku, the art of fruit and vegetable carving is elevated to a new realm of edible creations. Continue reading »

These Pet Pancakes From Japanese Chef Are Too Cute To Eat

As pancake day has creped up on us once again, a Japanese chef has combined our favourite things; cute animals and sugar. Keisuke Inagaki has been a chef at his restaurant La Ricetta in Zama City, Japan, for the last 18 years. He rose to Instagram fame from his Pokemon and anime pancake art, and the time around heis created a lifelike animal series. The 46-year-old chef began making pancakes in 2011 to raise spirits after the devastating nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan. Continue reading »

Japanese Artist Creates Stunning Mashup Photos Of Superhero Action Figures

Japanese instagramer @hotkenobi takes his superhero action figures on miniature adventures that look even better than the fight scenes in movies. The Osaka-based photographer creates playful, fun scenes with eye-popping visuals using the action figures of our favorite heroes from rival universes. His instagram is filled with hilarious images of action figures, including many iconic Marvel and DC characters. Continue reading »

Colorful Makeup Masterpieces Inspired By Japanese Pop Art

The school Make Up For Ever Academy planned a contest between the students in body art option, which consisted in re-interpreting the artworks of Murakami. These students adapted the pop, kawaii and colorful codes of the artist, through a face painting that goes beyond the simple art of makeup and creates a canvas on a face. The result is bluffing. Discover through Clovis Lalanne’s pictures. Continue reading »

This Japanese Train Station Built Around A 700 Year Old Tree

In the Northeast suburbs of central Osaka stands a curious train station unlike any other. Kayashima Station features a rectangular hole cut into the roof of the elevated platform and, from inside, a giant tree pokes its head out like a stalk of broccoli. Continue reading »

The Japanese Use a Real Rabbits As Case For Smartphone

If you see a weird trend or a mind boggling commercial, you know that it’s from Japan. Take the latest one for example. You might be misled be the title into thinking that those bloody bastards are killing poor rabbits and making iPhone cases out of them. Continue reading »

Daredevil Japanese Photographer Explores Urban Landscapes From A New Perspective

Tatsuto Shibata is a talented young self-taught photographer and student, who was born in Kasumigaura-shi, Ibaraki, Japan and currently lives and works in New York. Tatsuto shoots a lot of cityscapes, streetscapes, landscapes and portrait photography. Shibata travels across the globe capturing stunning urban photos. He studies Management at LIU Brooklyn. Continue reading »