virtual – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Sofa Gladiators: The Superb Conceptual Digital Artworks of Guillem H. Pongiluppi


Based in Barcelona, Guillem H. Pongiluppi is a freelance digital illustrator with 20+ years of experience in the industry. Continue reading »

Artist Creates Abstract Environments Through Magical Realism-Inspired Conceptual Experiments


Artist Elnaz Mansouri, originally from Tehran, Iran, and now based in Canada, delves deeply into the interplay between reality and fantasy through her innovative use of 3D, AI and VR. Continue reading »

All of the Things That Are Wrong With the Society That We Live In Today, Illustrated by John Holcroft

Unveiling Societys Reflections Exploring The Thought Provoking Art Of John Holcroft New Pics 660eb2b7dc308 700

Today’s society has many problems, whether we accept them or not. We escape unpleasant reality by burying ourselves in the virtual world, yet some artists will challenge you to face terrible facts. Continue reading »

3D Art of Markus Kanzler: Exploring the World of Texture, Composition and Color

Markus Kanzler, the face behind Marterium, is an artist from Germany who is deeply passionate about the exploration of form and color. Understanding each combination of these as a different language. On his journey he tries to capture abstract ideas and translate them into fascinating and captivating compositions. While understanding digital art as a form of collaboration between man and machine. Continue reading »

The Superb Psychodelic Virtual Reality Artworks by The Russian Artist Nadia Bey

According to an artist: “Hey, I am Nadia Bey, a VR artist, also working with 3D graphics. I come from Tyumen, a city in Western Siberia in Russia, currently live in Saint-Petersburg. I am keen on CG of all kinds and I know this is the love of my life.” Continue reading »

Blockchain Company Buys and Burns Banksy Artwork to Turn It Into a Digital Original

A blockchain company bought a $95,000 Banksy artwork, burned it and broadcast it live on Twitter — all part of a process of turning the work into a virtual asset called a non-fungible token, or NFT. Continue reading »

Procedural Art and Mixed Reality Experiments by Michael Kozlowski

Michael Kozlowski is an American media artist and software developer. His primary interests are real-time graphics, mixed reality, and interactivity. Continue reading »

Artist Makes A Fun Virtual Road Trip With Her Photoshopped Family

According to Brynn Shuller: “I moved back home from Los Angeles to Cincinnati (thanks, Covid) and decided to take my photoshopped family along with me on a road trip. “We” took a picture in each state we drove through. Yes, I went to all these places, dressed up as each character, and then photoshopped “myselves” together to create each photo! Continue reading »

The Superb Bizarre AR Artworks By Nikita Replyanski, A Technological Artist And Cyber Fashion Designer

Technological artist and cyber fashion designer Nikita Replyanski (previously) started his career as an 3d Artist for video games in 2008. Since then he’s working in the Digital Entertainment Industry for 10 years. In 2014 he began to design 3d printed prosthetic arms as a hobby and step by step designing physical cybernetic products and accessories became his main career. Continue reading »

This Artist “Paints” An Extraordinary 3D Portraits In Virtual Reality

Artist-painter Anna Zhilyaeva, tells us how the new medium of Virtual Reality in the field of sculpting and painting gives the possibility of infinite ways to express creativity on a three dimensional canvas, while still interacting with and keeping the observers deeply engrossed. Continue reading »

“Backstage Disillusion”: The Incredible In-Game Photo Artworks By Petri Levälahti

Generation Zero

Petri Levälahti aka Berduu works at EA DICE in Stockholm. He’s also an accomplished game photographer: his flickr stream is a visual triumph (“video game tourism, snapping shots as mementos”, he said). Like Duncan Harris, Berduu pursues an aestheticized digital photorealism that recalls Jean Baudrillard’s notion of iper-reality using camera hacks and mods developed by other modders, including Finnish maestro Matti Hietanen and Dutch wunderkind Frans Bouma. Continue reading »

Artist Signe Pierce Explores The Chaotic Beauty Of Reality And Its Natural Tefractions

The New York-based ‘reality’ artist Signe Pierce examines the ambiguous intersection between art and technology in the 21st century. Her use of exaggerated light and colour is applied to scenes of the every day as she creates a heightened realism that negotiates between the realm of art and life. Continue reading »

A Group Of Russian Artists Have Created The Ultimate Virtual Reality Project

The Russian project “Defected Pixel” is causing quite a stir online, in fact it’s gone viral. The creators combine real photos with pixelated objects, including a man smoking, a gramophone, food…even the sky has been given the eight-bit treatment. Continue reading »

Anonymous Virtual Traveller Creates Stunning Minimalist Photos By Using Goolge Street View

The anonymous author behind this great account uses the incredible richness of Google Street View, whose camera has gone all the way to the desert! Continue reading »

This Virtual Avatar-Girl Takes Over Instagram Posing As Regular Influencer

This is Miquela Sousa. She’s 19 years old, lives in Los Angeles and is an aspiring musician whose debut single – “Not Mine” – was number eight on Spotify Viral list back in August 2017. Continue reading »

Virtual Reality Device Allows Users to Wander the Forest through the Eyes of an Animal


‘In the Eyes of an Animal’ is the newest brainchild from the London-based design studio Marshmallow Laser Feast, allowing you to take a fascinating journey through the forest with the eyes of an animal. Located in Grizedale Forest, UK and commissioned by the AND Festival, this installation is a virtual reality experience that merges nature with technology. Continue reading »

Hektor Ruiez – Celebrities’ Best ‘Virtual’ Friend

After missing out on a candid celebrity photo opportunity with Hulk Hogan and Orville the duck back in 1986 Ryan MacDonald (Hektor Ruiez) swore that he would never miss out on another celeb photo ever again. After many years of stalking the famous, and always failing on that perfect shot, technology finally caught up with his desire (photoshop). These are the results. Continue reading »

World’s First Smart Virtual Store Opens in Korea

Customers purchase items with their smartphones by scanning QR codes using the Homeplus app at the Seolleung subway station, southern Seoul, yesterday, where Homeplus has opened the world’s first “virtual” store. (YONHAP)

Innovative Virtual Shop has hit the high street, with an innovative new ‘virtual shop’. In a UK first, the online grocer’s integrated window display at One New Change shopping centre in London allows shoppers to purchase all their grocery essentials by scanning them with their mobile phones. The retail experience is live between August 25 and September 1.

Virtual Reality Photography

VRP stands for “Virtual Reality Photography”. This is a personal project of Leonardo Sang, that uses video games as platforms for everyday photography. VRP’s objective is to show how video games have a full visual capacity and complexity to create a proper photographic ambient and also show how photography can be applied in many ways. All the pictures created are composed just like “real world” photography. Basic colour composing, alignment, lines, geometry and etc… sometimes just curious snapshot. It’s not necessarily a “visually realistic” picture. Continue reading »

The first social media game where you can lose your virtual life

This is awesome! I want to try.

Virtual Tour to Michael Jackson’s Arcade Collection

Virtual Rio de Janeiro