These Hermit Crab Shells Were Inspired By The Skylines Of Famous Cities – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

These Hermit Crab Shells Were Inspired By The Skylines Of Famous Cities

A Japanese artist has pimped the cribs of little hermit crabs by creating a series of 3D-printed shells modeled after world famous landmarks. Aki Inomata is a Tokyo-born artist known for incorporating living organisms and organic components into her works. She has created a series of crab shells designed after places like the NYC skyline and the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

More info: Aki Inomata, Instagram (h/t: lostateminor)

In Inomata’s own words, “This work was inspired by the fact that the land of the former French Embassy in Japan had been French until October 2009, and then became Japanese for the following fifty years, after which it will be returned to France.”

“I was surprised to hear this story, and associated this image with the way that hermit crabs exchange shelters. A piece of land is peacefully exchanged between two countries. While it is the same piece of land, our definition of it changes.”

“In the same way, the appearance of hermit crabs changes completely as they exchange shelters. The hermit crabs in my piece, who exchange shelters representing cities of the world, seem to be crossing over national borders. It also brings to mind migrants and refugees changing their nationalities and the places where they live.”