You Will Laugh Out Loud At This Seattle Gas Station’s Witty Signs – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

You Will Laugh Out Loud At This Seattle Gas Station’s Witty Signs

For over a decade, a Chevron gas station in the Seattle neighborhood of Wallingford has been delighting its residents by displaying funny witticisms on its roadside sign. Once a week, they post a humorous phrase consisting of four lines, with 17 characters per line, to the delight of the entire community.

More info: Facebook, Twitter (h/t: countryliving)

“In October of 2005, we converted our auto repair shop into an ExtraMile convenience store and suddenly we had a problem. It had always been easy to think of useful messages to put on the sign for things like service promotions and store specials and the like. But with the ExtraMile, there were no more cars to fix and the place was plastered with store specials. So we decided to do something different,” the website reads.