Illustrator Fernanda Suarez Shows How Disney Princesses Would Look Like If They Lived In 2017 » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Illustrator Fernanda Suarez Shows How Disney Princesses Would Look Like If They Lived In 2017 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Illustrator Fernanda Suarez Shows How Disney Princesses Would Look Like If They Lived In 2017

In recent years, we’ve seen quite a few reimagined ‘modern’ versions of the Disney princesses we grew up loving and admiring. This latest interpretation by Chilean digital artist Fernanda Suarez, however, might be the fairest of them all.

Starting with Snow White back in July, Suarez has gone on to illustrate 7 classic princesses in hip, present-day fashion. These sketched-up smoke shows look like they follow Luxy Hair tutorials on YouTube and shop for clothes at Forever 21. They probably post selfies with their ‘princes’ on Instagram and all agree that NAKED2 is the best eyeshadow palette. Oh yeah, they probably also campaign non-stop on social media for the equal rights of dwarfs, marine wildlife, and big cat conservation.

More info: DeviantArt, Patreon, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ArtStation, Tumblr (h/t: boredpanda)