“The Stereo Cycles Of Sicily”: Palermo Teens Pump Up The Velo – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

“The Stereo Cycles Of Sicily”: Palermo Teens Pump Up The Velo

Matteo de Mayda/Cosimo Bizzari/The Guardian

Bici Palermo Tuning – a group of teenagers from the Sicilian capital Palermo – spend anything up to €1,300 customising their bikes with car batteries and multiple speakers to develop thunderous sound systems. The police are not impressed.

The music they play depends on personal taste, but many choose neo-melodico, a genre from southern Italy that merges contemporary lyrics with traditional melodies. Some of the sound systems put out 1,250 watts and can shake the windows of shops and cars as the group rides past.

h/t: theguardian

Matteo de Mayda/Cosimo Bizzari/The Guardian

Matteo de Mayda/Cosimo Bizzari/The Guardian

Matteo de Mayda/Cosimo Bizzari/The Guardian

Matteo de Mayda/Cosimo Bizzari/The Guardian

Matteo de Mayda/Cosimo Bizzari/The Guardian

Matteo de Mayda/Cosimo Bizzari/The Guardian

Matteo de Mayda/Cosimo Bizzari/The Guardian

Matteo de Mayda/Cosimo Bizzari/The Guardian

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