Meet The Woman Who Takes Her Taxidermy Fox Everywhere She Goes » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Meet The Woman Who Takes Her Taxidermy Fox Everywhere She Goes – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Meet The Woman Who Takes Her Taxidermy Fox Everywhere She Goes

Lisa Foxcroft takes this stuffed (dead) fox everywhere with her, whether it’s out to the shops to get milk, for a ride on the bus, or to the club to get drunk. She calls him Baby Jesus.

“He was a Christmas miracle, a magical gift from a friend, the gift that keeps on giving. I do take him absolutely everywhere and I do get some strange looks – people often ask me what he is and why I have him. They often ask to hold him and take selfies – everyone has been really nice,” she says.

More info: Instagram (h/t: sadanduseless)