Artist Karoline Hinz Makes A Realistic Two Toed Sloth Costume – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Karoline Hinz Makes A Realistic Two Toed Sloth Costume

Berlin-based artist Karoline Hinz (previously) has created a two toed sloth suit for… well, we really don’t know the reason. Hinz is a costume designer, sculptor and prop maker with an impressive body of work that comprises collaborations in theatre productions, music videos and movies.

Padded undersuit, separate full body fursuit with extended claw-gloves (movable) and separate head. Face is sculpted, molded and casted in silicone with hair punched front and glass eyes. Claws are casted in semi rigid translucent polyurethane.

More: Karoline Hinz, Instagram h/t: boredpanda