“Reading The Road”: River Of 11,000 Glowing Books Flows Down City Street – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

“Reading The Road”: River Of 11,000 Glowing Books Flows Down City Street

Thousands of books spanned from sidewalk to sidewalk in Ann Arbor’s Literature vs Traffic installation, creating a space for quiet reflection on the value of pedestrian-friendly public spaces and the absence of noise pollution. The intersection of Liberty and State, a major juncture in this college town, was closed down for a day and night to allow the work to be deployed and enjoyed.

Luzinterruptus is a Spanish design collective that is traveling the world, collecting volumes in each location for these city-specific installations.

“We want literature to take over the streets and to become the conqueror of all public places, offering passersby a traffic-free area that will, for a few hours, surrender to the humble might of the written word,” explain the designers. “Thus, a place in the city usually dedicated to speed, pollution, and noise, shall turn, for one night, into a place of peace, quiet, and coexistence, lighted by the soft dim light issued from the book pages,” they said.

h/t: weburbanist