This Instagram Account Reveals Scenes From Famous Movies With And Without Special Effects – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Instagram Account Reveals Scenes From Famous Movies With And Without Special Effects

We know very well that cinema is just a carefully crafted play of illusions. Often movies and TV shows of genres such as fantasy and science fiction demand a substantial sacrifice of realism and logic from viewers, all for the sake of enjoyment. And that suspense of belief cannot be achieved without top-tier visuals that give us mythological creatures, computer-generated monsters, and futuristic scenarios.

In reality, most movies you believe to have been filmed in breathtaking locations are usually produced in studios using CGI (computer-generated imagery), and there’s an Instagram account dedicated to collecting proof of just that.

“Movies.effects” show scenes from movies without special effects, revealing that all that magic we see on movie screens is nothing but the result of a long production process.

So scroll down and take a look at some of the before & after scenes from movies and TV shows!

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda