Someone Just Made An Epic ‘Game Of Thrones’ Lamp – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Someone Just Made An Epic ‘Game Of Thrones’ Lamp

While the days leading up to the final episode of Game of Thrones are slowly melting, millions of fans are still buzzing with what could be described as Thrones mania (albeit what was once a generally positive outlook became more murky as of lately).

And while not everyone is too happy about the last season of the show, due to its heavily-criticized writing, no one can deny that the production quality is absolutely outstanding. If there’s a show that can put a breathtaking spectacle on our screens, it’s definitely Game of Thrones. Especially, when they have fire-breathing dragons soaring the skies, ready to wreak havoc on their enemies.

More: Facebook, Instagram h/t: boredpanda