Nikon Small World 2019: The Best Microscope Photos Of The Year – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Nikon Small World 2019: The Best Microscope Photos Of The Year

Nikon has announced the winners of the 2019 Small World Photomicrography Competition, and has once more shared some of the winning and honored images with us. The contest invites photographers and scientists to submit images of all things visible under a microscope. This year, first place was awarded to Teresa Zgoda and Teresa Kugler for their painstakingly prepared photo of a turtle embryo, using fluorescence and stereo microscopy. More than 2,000 entries were received from 100 countries in 2019, the 45th year of the competition.

1st Place: Teresa Zgoda & Teresa Kugler, Campbell Hall, New York, USA. Fluorescent turtle embryo. Stereomicroscopy, Fluorescence, 5x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Teresa Zgoda/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

More: Small World Photomicrography Competition

2nd Place: Dr. Igor Siwanowicz, Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), Janelia Research Campus, Ashburn, Virginia, USA. Depth-color coded projections of three stentors (single-cell freshwater protozoans). Confocal, 40x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Igor Siwanowicz/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

3rd Place: Daniel Smith Paredes & Dr. Bhart-Anjan S. Bhullar, Yale University, Department of Geology and Geophysics, New Haven, Connecticut, USA. Alligator embryo developing nerves and skeleton. Immunofluorescence, 10x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Daniel Smith Paredes/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

4th Place: Jan Rosenboom, Universität Rostock, Rostock, Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Germany. Male mosquito. Focus Stacking, 6.3x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Jan Rosenboom/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

5th Place: Caleb Foster, Caleb Foster Photography, Jericho, Vermont, USA. Snowflake. Transmitted Light, 4x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Caleb Foster/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

6th Place: Javier Rupérez, Almáchar, Málaga, Spain. Small white hair spider. Reflected Light, Image Stacking, 20x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Javier Rupérez/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

7th Place: Dr. Guillermo López, Alicante, Spain. Chinese red carnation stamen. Focus Stacking, 3x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Guillermo López/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

8th Place: Garzon Christian, Quintin, Cotes-d’Armor, France. Frozen water droplet. Incident Light, 8x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Garzon Christian/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

9th Place: Andrei Savitsky, Cherkassy, Ukraine. Tulip bud cross section. Reflected Light, 1x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Andrei Savitsky/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

10th Place: Jason M. Kirk, Baylor College of Medicine, Optical Imaging & Vital Microscopy Core, Houston, Texas, USA. BPAE cells in telophase stage of mitosis. Confocal with Enhanced Resolution, 63x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Jason M. Kirk/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

11th Place: Dr. Yujun Chen & Dr. Jocelyn McDonald, Kansas State University, Department of Biology, Manhattan, Kansas, USA. A pair of ovaries from an adult Drosophila female stained for F-actin (yellow) and nuclei (green); follicle cells are marked by GFP (magenta). Confocal, 10x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Yujun Chen/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

12th Place: Anne Algar, Hounslow, Middlesex, United Kingdom. Mosquito larva. Darkfield, Polarizing Light, Image Stacking, 4x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Anne Algar/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

13th Place: Dr. Emilio Carabajal Márquez, Madrid, Spain. Cuprite (mineral composed of copper oxide). Focus Stacking, 20x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Emilio Carabajal Márquez/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

14th Place: Antoine Franck, CIRAD – Agricultural Research for Development, Saint Pierre, Réunion. Female Oxyopes dumonti (lynx) spider. Focus Stacking, 1x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Antoine Franck/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

15th Place: Marek Miś, Marek Miś Photography, Suwalki, Podlaskie, Poland. Pregnant Daphnia magna (small planktonic crustacean). Modified Darkfield, Polarized Light, Image Stacking, 4x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Marek Miś/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

16th Place: Dr. Razvan Cornel Constantin, Bucharest, Romania. Housefly compound eye pattern. Focus Stacking, Reflected Light, 50x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Razvan Cornel Constantin/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

17th Place: Karl Deckart, Eckental, Bavaria, Germany. Vitamin C. Brightfield, Polarized Light, 4x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Karl Deckart/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

18th Place: E. Billie Hughes, Lotus Gemology, Bangkok, Thailand. Cristobalite crystal suspended in its quartz mineral host. Darkfield, 40x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by E. Billie Hughes/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

19th Place: Martyna Lukoseviciute & Dr. Carrie Albertin, University of Oxford, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom. Octopus bimaculoides embryo. Confocal, Image Stitching, 5x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Martyna Lukoseviciute/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

20th Place: Simon Merz, Lea Bornemann & Sebastian Korste, University Hospital Essen, Institute for Experimental Immunology & Imaging, Essen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany. Blood vessels of a murine (mouse) heart following myocardial infarction (heart attack). Tissue Clearing, Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy, 2x (Objective Lens Magnification). (Photo by Simon Merz/Nikon’s Small World 2019)

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