With South Africa In Lockdown, The Lions Are Taking It Very Easy – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

With South Africa In Lockdown, The Lions Are Taking It Very Easy

Richard Sowry

Whether it’s goats in Wales or wild boar in Italy, animals around the world appear to be adjusting well to life without humans during the coronavirus outbreak.

More: Twitter h/t: cnn

Richard Sowry

Even lions are enjoying the peace and quiet, a set of new photos from South Africa’s Kruger National Park shows. The images show a pride of lions lounging on a road, seemingly unperturbed by the presence of the photographer, park ranger Richard Sowry.

Richard Sowry

On a normal day, the area would be busy with tourists, but Kruger has been shut since March 25 as part of South Africa’s nationwide lockdown to combat coronavirus.

Richard Sowry

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