Someone Recreates 65 Metal Album Covers With Characters From The Simpsons And It’s Hilariously – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Someone Recreates 65 Metal Album Covers With Characters From The Simpsons And It’s Hilariously

Springfieldalbums is an Instagram account run by two people who both happen to be huge fans of The Simpsons and metal music. Add artistic talent to this mix and apparently, this combination gives birth to incredibly amazing creations.

This Instagram account, which is run by Lila and Jebús, is full of iconic rock and metal album covers reimagined with characters from the TV series The Simpsons. Over the past few months, these genius creators have baked more than 200 brilliant masterpieces and people seem to absolutely love them. At the moment, the account has over 42,000 Instagram followers.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

“The Simpsons define an entire generation—even multiple generations. They are a very important element of popular culture, which is a criticism and a reflection of our society,” Jebús told Bored Panda. “The Simpsons shows us different facets of a family that, despite using irony and hilarious situations, give us many examples with which we feel we identify throughout our lives. After 30 years of broadcasting, it is impossible to ignore the success of this important series and its influence in so many fields.”

When asked how the idea for Springfield Albums came to be, one of the creators said this: “Well, my wife and I are huge fans of The Simpsons and listen to rock and metal music too. Many times, when we were viewing episodes, we’ve talked about the characters or the scenes and their similarities with some metal and rock album art. So we think ‘why not do this?’ and ‘how would the covers of so many major albums look if they were sold in Springfield?’”

“Then we started making a couple of covers for our friends just to have fun, as a hobby. And from one moment to another, we reached 39,000 fans on Instagram and almost 17,000 on Facebook. We just started with Springfield Albums last April, so this is a young project, just 4 months old, but it grew up so quickly,” Jebús explained.

When asked how they choose which albums to include in the series, Jebús said this: “At the beginning, we only worked with bands that we liked, but as the days went by, we decided to explore other genres and accept suggestions from our fans even to work with bands that we didn’t know. We always have a weekly brainstorm, then we search for the albums that we decided to do and confirm whether they are possible projects. We don’t have any ‘banned’ bands to work with, but we would like to continue working only with rock and metal bands simply because those are the genres that we love—there are no other reasons.”

“The software we use to create the albums is Photoshop. After brainstorming or taking a fan’s art suggestion, we extract the scene or the character from the Simpsons, rebuild some parts if necessary, redraw the background of the cover, insert the new character, and give some final touches such as changing the font of the album name,” Jebús explained the creative process.

“We care a lot about quality, because many times, the characters or the scenes that we imagined have a very poor quality or simply don’t fit into the new creation. We know that there are a lot of pages doing the same thing as us, but I think that our success can be attributed to the quality of our works and the concept we put on them. We don’t put random characters or silhouetted faces—we try to put an entirely recognizable scene on the album, creating a sort of symbiosis between the cover and the new Simpsons scene,” the creator added.

“We want to thank you for this interview. Springfield Albums grew up as a result of all the sites, bands, and media that have been interested and shared our works. We also say thanks to all of our fans, because every day, they give us strength to continue with this project. Cheers from Springfield!”

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