French Artist Bruno Pontiroli Twists the World Around Him in His Paintings » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
French Artist Bruno Pontiroli Twists the World Around Him in His Paintings – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

French Artist Bruno Pontiroli Twists the World Around Him in His Paintings

Some artists have a knack for turning our world upside down with a stroke of a brush. Bruno Pontiroli is one of those artists. Bruno is a French contemporary artist that specializes in a specific kind of surrealism. He creates oil paintings and prints of contorted, distorted animals.

More: Instagram h/t: playjunkie

Bruno started painting and sketching at an early age and had always known he’d grow up to be an artist. One day, about ten years ago, he felt an urge to grab a canvass and draw. From the very start he was drawn to surrealism – he wanted to depict the madness and weirdness of the world around him with a brush and some paint.

Soon he started gravitating towards animals and developed his unique style. His purpose is to get the viewers involved in the work by questioning the reality around them. The paintings depict something very familiar and mundane – animals – but in an absurd way. By distorting something so familiar, Bruno is able to reinvent it an create something new and exciting.

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