Artist Draws Silly Comics About Her Life With Husband And Their Pets
According to Sarah Harmon: “Bored with my 9-5 job, I started making comics about my life with my husband, our two dogs, and cat during my free time!” Continue reading »
Artist Illustrates Honest Feelings That We Keep To Ourselves In 22 Candy Heart Comics
Some wear their hearts on their sleeves for the entire world to see. Others hide their emotions much better and keep their thoughts secret. However, no matter who we are, what we do, and how well we may hide it, we all have inner monologues that reveal our true feelings. Continue reading »
Famous Songs Hilariously Explained With Simple Comics
Sex Pistols – Anarchy In The UK
Artist and cartoonist Hugleikur Dagsson is drawing ironic parodies of popular songs, which range from innocent hits from the 50s to melancholic rock ballads of all time. These simple and unsophisticated illustrations might give a naive impression, but they are surprisingly accurate, snappy, sometimes rude and even vulgar. Continue reading »
Highly Detailed Illustrations By Ilya Milstein
Ilya Milstein is a Milan-born, Melbourne-raised and New-York based illustrator that works in a pretty traditional way. Continue reading »
Hilarious Illustrations Show What Famous Characters Would Buy At The Supermarket
According to an artist Linda Bouderbala: “I’m sure my favorite characters have needs too. In our consumeristic society, I wondered what they could buy if they could do their shopping just like us in a supermarket… With all those mass market products within easy reach. Here’s the result of my imagination!” Continue reading »
“On Fields Of Death & Desolation”: Dark And Haunting Illustrations By Tony Sandoval
You don’t hear enough about Mexican artist Tony Sandoval. Well, I don’t. And I’ve looked, I really have. His stories and sensibilities are unique, his artwork stunning in its layering and animation, and his ability to mix the dark with the irreverent in a way that isn’t either cloying or mercenary makes his work accessible but not pandering. He’s been nominated for three Eisners, but there’s not a lot of excited chatter about his work. There should be. Continue reading »
What Birds Would Say If They Could Talk
Humor writer and artist Jimmy Craig (previously) offers 100 colorful comics, including the inner thoughts of creatures from across the animal kingdom — from misunderstood sharks and trouble making bears to the often complicated relationship between you and your pet cat. Continue reading »
Artist Visualizes Freddie Mercury As The Protagonist Of Vintage Comic Book Covers
Artist Butcher Billy decided to create a fictional comic series called ‘Planet Mercury comics’, and you guessed right – we will be seeing a lot of the legendary band Queen’s charismatic frontman Freddie Mercury! To make it even more exciting, the artist used excerpts and titles from Queen’s songs and created each comic book cover with a different song from the greatest hits of the unforgettable rock legend. Continue reading »
This Artist Illustrated Her Everyday Problems With Relatable Comics
Prudence is a 27-year-old Belgian illustrator and the creator of the “Planet Prudence” comic series. In her comics, the artist illustrates all of the funny and awkward moments she experiences every day that we’re pretty sure most people will be able to relate to. Continue reading »
The Double Standards Of Our Society Revealed In 47 Comics
While many of our societies take pride in the accomplishments made in the field of equal treatment for everybody, there is still a lot of work to be done. And who better can reveal these absurd injustices than the illustrators, who are always on a lookout for those funny and sometimes painfully real contrasts? Continue reading »
Comics About An Ice Cube Which Artist Created At The Lowest Point Of His Creative Career
According to Peng Ven Wong: “Like all artists, I aspire to create something that the world will fall in love with. Ironically, the inspiration for CubeMelt came at the lowest point of my creative career.
I was lost on where my work was taking me and did not know what I should be focusing on to establish my career at the age of 36. It was during one of the regular moments of self-doubt that I get, like the feeling of life melting away like those ice cubes in my cup of soda. I asked what would an ice cube do given its short lifespan? That was the moment when CubeMelt was born. Continue reading »
When Modern Love Meets Classic Comic Books
Peter Nidzgorski is the artist provocateur behind the site This isn’t Happiness. Under the name Peteski, he blogs about art, photography, design, and disappointment. One of the big attractions of his site is his clever manipulation of images like these altered panels from classic love story comic books. Continue reading »
Artist Fran Krause Perfectly Illustrates Your Deepest, Darkest Fears
Illustrator, animator, teacher, and comic artist Fran Krause has touched a collective nerve with his wildly popular web comic series and subsequent book Deep Dark Fears. Here he brings readers more of the creepy, funny, and idiosyncratic fears they love illustrated in comic form–such as the fear that your pets will tell other animals all your embarrassing secrets, or that someone uses your house while you’re not home–as well as two longer comic short-stories. Continue reading »
This Artist Draws Stupid Comics For People With A Dark Sense Of Humor
According to Rémi Lascault: “Since last summer, where I shared with you my comics, I’ve been working a lot! Here are some new comic strips and some updated ones. I’m also happy to tell you that my book will soon be available. Check my Instagram or Facebook for updates!
I’m 32 years old and have been drawing comics since I was a kid. About a year ago I started to draw little comic strips consisting of 4 frames with no words. The drawing part doesn’t take me much time, as I like having a pretty rough style. Coming up with the right stupid joke and twisting them in a not-so-stupid way, however, does.” Continue reading »
Russian Artist Illustrates What Would Happen If Famous Characters Got Old, And Thor Is Too Cute
Although the years go fast for every one of us, it’s not very common to see this natural process of aging in cartoons or comics. Have you ever wondered what would happen if our beloved characters and superheroes just grew old and retired, like any other mortal person in the world? Continue reading »
An Artist Reimagined Her Life As A Potato In Cute Sad Comics
“Hey there, I’m Kat and I’m a potato. So I might not be the prettiest but I have a good personality! I started drawing little stories of my life to share them with people out there who also feel like a potato sometimes. I hope some of them can make you smile, so please enjoy.” Continue reading »
This Artist Creates Stupid NSFW Comics For People With A Dark Sense Of Humor
Rémi Lascault is a 32-year-old French artist who creates 4-panel comics for people with a dark sense of humor and has been drawing comics since he was a kid. The author says that it’s not the drawing that takes up most of the time when creating a comic, but rather coming up with the right “stupid joke” and twisting it in a not-so-stupid way. Continue reading »
Artist Created These Funny Comics After The Sun Blocked His Beautiful Sunset
Nixon Siow is a Malaysian webcomic artist. His comic reflects Malaysia’s true stories and modern culture. Continue reading »
Simple, Brilliant And Funny Comics By Nathan W. Pyle
Meet Nathan W. Pyle – a writer, illustrator, and author of New York Times bestseller “NYC Basic Tips and Etiquette”, who creates funny and very relatable comics. Continue reading »
Artist Illustrates Everyday Life With His Wife In Funny Comics
Yehuda Adi Devir is a Tel-Aviv-based illustrator, comic artist and character designer who creates adorable comics about his daily domestic adventures with his wife, Maya. Whether she’s ridding the house of roaches, using him as her personal radiator (or pillow), motivating him to work out, or destroying the kitchen while preparing complex meals (like cereal), Yehuda’s wife provides him with all the inspiration he needs to create his cute and often relatable comics. Continue reading »
Artist Sanesparza Creates Funny Comics That Explain How To Do Things
Every human being should have an idea for to do homework or to be romantic etc. Well, after going through this list you will have knowledge of all these things. Sanesparza is a comic artist who explains how things are done in a fun, cute and an overall entertaining way. These series of comics named as ‘how-to’ that will teach you how you do things with a hilarious twist. Continue reading »
Hilarious Comics That Perfectly Sum Up Your Life As An Adult
UK-based artist Alex Norris is making comics cool again with his “Oh No” series, a gloriously awkward take on life’s realest struggles. These 3-panel wonders, uploaded to a page known as “Webcomic Name”, started appearing on Tumblr over the last summer. Continue reading »
Hilarious Comics With Unexpected Endings By War And Peas
“War and Peas” is made by a two-headed squad hailing from the German-French border town Saarbrücken. Jonathan Kunz works as a lecturer at the local art school and Elizabeth Pich works as a freelance comic artist. Since 2011 they joined forces to publish comics together on the internet. Their comics often deal with unfulfilled desires and the tragedy of the modern human condition, featuring such characters as sassy robots, woeful ghosts, and highly-skilled dogs. Continue reading »
Hilarious Comics Reveal The Dark Side Of Animals
Cale, the cartoonist behind the Things In Squares, says his animal drawings are disturbing, yet trying to be sweet at the same time. They show that just like humans, animals can be competitive, try to impress one another, run away from problems by getting high, and so on. Continue reading »
Comics In The Kitchen: Humorous Illustrations By Massimo Fenati
Massimo Fenati is an Italian designer and illustrator, living for years in London. He was born and raised in Genoa but went to the UK in 1995 to work on 3D design projects. He later worked for international tv networks such as BBC, Sky and Channel 4 designing their graphics, he published very famous comic books both in the UK and Italy and in other countries, he works on editorial illustration and on comics for kids. As a proud Italian he’s also very interested in food, and he mixed up this passion with his job by realizing a series of comics on food, cooking and differences on Italian and British food culture. Continue reading »