design – Page 6 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

HP Brand Re-Design by Moving Brands

Moving Brands partnered with HP as their lead agency to set a creative vision for the HP brand. The vision was to transform the world’s biggest technology company into the world’s most powerful brand. HP would become the blueprint of a moving brand, built for a moving world. Continue reading »

Époque Chair: past eras of design, beautifully blended into a modern seat

Launching Époque, Eftwelve introduces a chair unique in form, dimensions and material.

The Époque is a fresh chair by Dutch designer Wybren van Keulen. The curves and sharp folds of this design reminisce of times passed. Époque brings together several eras of design, beautifully blended into a modern seat. Continue reading »

Casa Rex wins award at HOW Poster Design Awards 2011

Casa Rex, one of Brazil’s most creative and renowned agencies, has won an award at the HOW Poster Design Awards 2011. The poster ‘The Occupied Space’ has been chosen as one of the top 10 winners, out of almost 800 entries.

In order to advertise an exhibition promoted by Escola Viva whereby students and teachers were invited to arrive at the school, walk around and ‘occupy’ the diverse spaces within the school environment, Casa Rex has made bold use of the “empty” white space, using text that is scattered across the poster in random directions. “We invert what is traditionally seen as the correct occupied space in a poster”, jokes Gustavo Piqueira, creative director and head of the agency.

This is the 6th time that Casa Rex has earned an award by HOW magazine, which showcases the best in design from around the world. Earlier this year the HOW International Design Awards went to the packaging design developed for the Dixie Toga Holographic Collection of Empty Packs, as well as the graphic design for the book “Writings about Jade” (Ateliê Editorial); in 2010 the covers created for the “Saraiva Classics” book collection (Edições Jogo de Amarelinha) and also the graphic project for the “Cool Readings” collection (Ed. Biruta) were selected; and in 2008 the award was given for the the Paideia book collection covers (Ed. Martins Fontes).

Design Lady Katherine Semenko

Awesome industrial objects and furniture, created by Katherine Semenko, a design girl from small Russian town. But she’s also a mature designer, winner of international design awards. Continue reading »

Awesome industrial design projects by Igor Chak

Check out outstanding industrial projects of international design craftsman Igor Chak. Continue reading »

Design Works of Elena Lazutina

Cool works of Elena Lazutina — from fonts to pat­terns and illus­tra­tions. Continue reading »

Can I Play Design

Awesome works from Can I Play, a creative boutique from Australia. Continue reading »

Italian design is coming home

Design collaboration between 22 leading Swiss and Italian designers that will be exhibited in Zurich and Milan in 2011 and published in a book distributed across Italy, Switzerland and Europe.

Greenpeace Design Awards 2009

The award ceremony will take place at July, 31 in Kerry Packer Civic Gallery, University of South Australia. Continue reading »

That’s Why DYT is Named 2009’s Best Arts & Design Blog

Watch out and listen up what those two funky guys said about Design You Trust.

Nocturn: Design & Creative

Nocturn, a small group of design enthusiasts from Romania recently updated their design portfolio with new stunning works.

Philadelphia Design Awards!

Recently, AIGA Philadelphia held its inaugural Design Competition/Exhibition featuring the best of Philly design. Promoting the design community, the show was aptly titled, PDA (Philadelphia Design Awards): Show Some Love.

US Dollars Re-Design is Coming!

So. I want one ;) Continue reading »

Design You Trust is a Winner of Chapeau Blog Awards!

DYT named 2009’s Best Arts & Design Blog! Big thanks to all of our editors, readers, sponsors and Chapeau team!

Mad 09 | International Design Event

Mad 09 is back again. This year the event it’ll be in june 26th-27th.
Some of the speakers will be Agency Republic, Alex Trochut, Interbrand, BaseMotion, Antoine et Manuel and many more.

Lau Design

Outstanding! By Kian Lau, from China.

This Design Is Mine

Stunning portfolio of Jamie Gregory, designer from London.

Pink Floyd Design Tribute

To the memory of… Continue reading »

m-m Graphic Design & Architecture

Barcelona based design studio.

Some New Design Stuff From Yar Rassadin

The idea of Vostok is a combination of organic smooth geometry and USSR spaceships cosmic style. In this way we pay tribute to the history and make ironic futurism style.

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