photoshop » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
photoshop – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Lost Render: Futuristic Digital Art Series by CJ Gong

Art Cj Gong 01

‘Lost Render’ is an art series by Hong Kong-based digital artist CJ Gong, where he creates a unique conceptual piece daily using tools like Cinema 4D, Octane Render, and Photoshop. Continue reading »

The Ritual: Beautiful Fantasy and Medieval Digital Paintings by Kristina Gehrmann


Kristina Gehrmann, an illustrator and graphic novelist, specializes in detailed, painterly depictions of historical and fantasy themes, primarily using a Wacom tablet and Photoshop. Continue reading »

Artist Martin Bullock Creates Funny Animal Mashups With Photoshop


Artist Martin Bullock found a unique pastime during the pandemic lockdown: creating hybrid animals. This hobby, partly inspired by Margaret Atwood’s “Oryx and Crake” and the classic film “The Island of Doctor Moreau,” led to the birth of what he calls Pixelmated Animals. Continue reading »

Expanding Meme Horizons: Adobe Photoshop’s Generative AI Fill Unveils Hidden Scenes


A Twitter user with the handle @StepnEurope has tested the new Generative AI Fill feature in Adobe Photoshop. This innovative tool was used to extrapolate the scenes of well-loved classic memes, providing a glimpse beyond their usual frames. Continue reading »

Expanding Famous Album Covers with Adobe Photoshop’s New Generative Outpainting Feature


Adobe has recently introduced a remarkable feature for upcoming Photoshop version (this feature is also available in latest Photoshop Beta), known as Generative Fill, that is transforming the boundaries of graphic creativity. Continue reading »

This Artist Will Show You How Photography and Photoshop Help Her Escape Reality

“The Chrysanthemum” – Faking Underwater Scenes

According to Hayley Roberts: “Creative photography gave me a way to slip out of this world and into the magical worlds I dream about. Continue reading »

Feel that Vibes: Indian Artist Creates Superb Fantasy Photo Manipulations

This Indian designer creates amazing photo manipulations. We don’t know his name, but you can appreciate his work on Instagram. He also posts his tutorials on YouTube. Continue reading »

Artist Creates Fantastic Surreal Edits Using Animals, Plants, People, And Objects

According to Ingo Lindmeier: “Almost all of my works begin with a passion for the surreal. Often accompanied by playing with words, the sense of playing finds its way out of my head through Adobe Photoshop into the colorful world of images. Sometimes brightly playful, sometimes critically disturbing, different voices find their place in my creations. Fairy tales and myths inspire me as much as music, nature and art and are sources of my inspiration.” Continue reading »

This Artist Uses Photography And Photoshop To Escape Reality

“My Neighbor” – Exploring Forced Perspective

According to Hayley Roberts: “Creative photography gave me a way to slip out of this world and into the magical worlds I dream about. Previously I’d never believed I was a creative person, but these tools gave me a way to express the things I was feeling; I’ve certainly never had success at drawing or painting. It’s amazing to think that with the right medium, we can all create incredible things. If you haven’t found your medium, I hope that you do. Continue reading »

Vietnamese Guy Spends Time With Celebrities With The Help Of Photoshop

Have you ever wanted to hang out with your favorite celebrities? Do you wish to become famous and walk the red carpet? Maybe you would like to be a part of your favorite movie? Become the main character, save lives? Well, you can do exactly that… If you know how to use Photoshop, that is. Continue reading »

Artist Makes A Fun Virtual Road Trip With Her Photoshopped Family

According to Brynn Shuller: “I moved back home from Los Angeles to Cincinnati (thanks, Covid) and decided to take my photoshopped family along with me on a road trip. “We” took a picture in each state we drove through. Yes, I went to all these places, dressed up as each character, and then photoshopped “myselves” together to create each photo! Continue reading »

Photoshop Contest Participants Give A Glimpse Of What If Giants Lived Among Us

There was a time when Photoshop contests were frequent among digital artists. Specialized sites brought their members daily fun themes to challenge their creativity and talents. The company Design Crowd has carried the torch since 2014, and continued these contests. Continue reading »

People From Around The World Edited These Man And Woman Headshots To Look Trendy In Their Country

Have you ever wondered what you might look like and dress like if you lived in a different part of the world? The way you look now is almost certainly influenced by the culture and trends of where you live, even if you would hardly class yourself as a dedicated follower of fashion. Continue reading »

20 Winners Of The Greatest Photoshop Battles Ever

Every now and then, a photo so ambiguous emerges, it’s just begging to be featured on the subreddit r/PhotoshopBattles. Featured below are the winners from the past few years. Continue reading »

Kazakhstan Is Photoshopping Their Leader’s Photos And They Are Not Even Trying To Be Subtle

The country of Kazakhstan was just caught photoshopping official photos of its new leader, and the evidence is overwhelming. It’s clear that beauty retouching techniques dramatically altered his appearance. Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty made the discovery when comparing government-released photos with other pictures captured at the same place and time by ordinary journalists. Continue reading »

After This Guy Posted A Photo Of A Giant Rice Wave, People Turned It Into A Hilarious Photoshop Battle

‘Mizutamari Bond’ is a YouTube channel where two Japanese guys upload funny videos, ranging from pranks to urban legends. In one of their recent videos, one of the duo, Tommy, tricks his friend with a sculpture of a giant rice wave in a wok pan. But it didn’t end there – someone uploaded a picture of Tommy with the rice wave and the internet went nuts! Continue reading »

“Beauty Comes In All Sizes!”: Photoshop Artist Jay Tee Changes The Obtuse Point Of View About Beauty Today One Pound At A Time

Women of every size should feel beautiful. Some women can’t lose weight because of a health problem or medications. You should not feel like you can never be beautiful. The same thing can happen to people who are too thin as well. Just remember: Beauty comes in all sizes! South American artist Jay Tee confirms these words with his stunning photo morph works.

“Beautiful American singer, actress, and producer Selena Gomez represents beauty in a state of primary expansion; the purity made persona. Someone was thinking about testing that 130 lbs beauty through the exposure of her delicacy to my Morph Machine. Continue reading »

Aaron Campbell’s Marvelous Photoshop Illustrations

«I began doing little signature tags on forums in 2007, shortly after I discovered Photoshop», says Aaron Campbell. The Canadian self taught artist started illustrating his own characters and environments more than ten years ago while joining several art collectives. Continue reading »

People Are Submitting Pics Of Their Pets To This Instagrammer, And She Gives Them Hilarious Makeovers

Ida is an ordinary girl working a full-time job but the hobby she has chosen to spend her free time on is what caught our attention. Ida turns pets of her followers on social media into weird creatures that will give you nightmares rather than make you want to cuddle them. Continue reading »

S’porean Designer’s S$7 Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop Key Chains Super Popular Worldwide

Geek Culture / Facebook

It is created by Yu Xin, a 25-year-old full-time computer graphics game artist. The origins of it?

The key chains are designed by a former Nanyang Polytechnic/ Digipen graduate, after she was subjected to making major revisions for one design project she was working on that lasted almost a year. Continue reading »

Thank You, Photoshop… Russian Wedding Photos Are Bizarre

It’s supposed to be the happiest day of your life, so what better way to celebrate your wedding than by posing as centaurs to demonstrate your love? Or riding a giant swan? Or perhaps fleeing a fire-throwing Transformer? Continue reading »

Photoshop Turns Rock Climbing Photos Into Rock Worshiping Photos

Here’s a strange and hilarious idea that the internet has spawned: if you Photoshop rock climbers out of bouldering photos and leave the spotters in the frame, the resulting images look like photos of rock worshipers. Continue reading »

“The Lady Of Dreams”: Surreal Vintage Photo Collages From The No-Photoshop Era By Grete Stern

It is no news that women have historically found it harder to develop themselves as professionals in diverse male-dominated work environments. This is even truer in the case of female artists in the 1930s: Stern had to struggle against all imaginable and unimaginable odds, in order to become one of the pioneers of modern photography in Argentina and a referent of protest art in the world. Continue reading »

Couple Asks Internet To Photoshop Out Shirtless Guy from Engagement Photo, Regrets It Immediately

You would think that by now people wouldn’t ask the whole Internet for help with photoshopping. Yet they still do… Continue reading »

Photoshop Master Showed Why We Should Not Believe Photos In Social Networks

A social media user in Weibo, China’s very own take on Twitter, is attracting massive attention for having superb image-editing skills that easily qualify as digital sorcery. The netizen, who goes by the username Kanahoooo, has been given the moniker “Photoshop Holy,” and there’s no debate over it. Continue reading »