Collaborative Cooking Machine – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Collaborative Cooking Machine

Collaborative Cooking is a project initiated and created by Christian Isberg, Petter Johansson Kukacka, Lasse Korsgaard and Carl Berglöf. The project is based on a digital platform that controls and intertacts with a physical cooking machine.

This is a way to explore how we will prepare and discuss our food in the future. Does cooking require a physical presence or is it possible to create and explore through digital platforms and experience food beyond the known limitations?

Collaborative cooking further examines the possibilities to cook together and is the beginning of a new era – an era full of new collaborations and innovations.

The cooking machine has 35 different functions/ ingredients that has been carefully selected and researched though a collaboration with the chef Carl Berglöf. Each ingredient has its own purpose and place in entirety.

The participants use the functions of the machine to add different ingredients in a pot. The machine in linked with the digital platform though an ordinary Internet connection where output creates input in reality.

This allows the participants to add the different ingredients in real life and directly into the pot. The project researches how different people will orient themselves in a given framework and what kind of interaction, discussion, collaborations and conflicts that creates when you respond to the other’s decisions.

This project examines how we can collaborate in the same structure and towards common goals. How we – through a framework and in relation to the other participants – can create a discus- sion that result in the cooking of a specific dish.

This is also a unique collaboration between a professional chef, anonymously participants and the creators of the framework. Can we, though this technology, create conditions for abstract dialogues about cooking?

And do we really need to go to expensive restaurants and meet famous chefs in order to have a stimulating dialogue about food and cooking?

This project opens up for an examination around the subject of cooking, dialogue, technology, interactivity and new ways to act in a kitchen.


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