Taiwanese Couple Hilariously Parodies #FollowMeTo Couple » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Taiwanese Couple Hilariously Parodies #FollowMeTo Couple – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Taiwanese Couple Hilariously Parodies #FollowMeTo Couple


Remember Murad Osmann and Natalia Zakharova (and here), the couple who sparked the now well-known #followmeto meme by photographing themselves while travelling the world back in 2013? Well, Taiwanese couple Forrest Lu and Agnes Chien certainly do.

h/t: boredpanda


During a recent holiday to Hawaii, the couple recreated their famous “followmeto” pose in various scenic hot-spots around the fiftieth state of America. Instead of recreating the hand-holding pose of their romantic predecessors however, Agnes can be see dragging Forrest around by his nostrils, hair and ears. The series certainly makes for an amusing alternative to the boring old selfie snap, and their pictures have already been shared thousands of times on Facebook.