Hollywood Celebrities Are Attracted By Simple Proletarian Words Of Russian Newspaper And Unimaginable Thought That Their Interviews With The Portrait Will Be Published In The Heart Of The Southern Urals – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Hollywood Celebrities Are Attracted By Simple Proletarian Words Of Russian Newspaper And Unimaginable Thought That Their Interviews With The Portrait Will Be Published In The Heart Of The Southern Urals

Coolest Russian newspaper Kopeisk Worker is from the provincial town of Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk region, the Urals. Chelyabinsk region has become famous worldwide due to meteorite (February 2013).

No, it’s not a Photoshop! The honest newspaper editor of “Kopeysk worker” guarantees. For the past 4 years the newspaper has gathered the collection of unique photos of Hollywood celebrities, but made it ​​public only now. The newspaper “Kopeysk worker” – one of the oldest media of the Chelyabinsk region. However, hardly anyone except residents of the Kopeysk would know of its existence, if not a collection of unique photographs in which Hollywood stars are proudly holding it.

During this time the black and white pages of “Kopeysk worker” were held by Bruce Willis, Angelina Jolie, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Steven Spielberg, Richard Gere, Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, Justin Timberlake, Harrison Ford, Denzel Washington, Emma Watson, Kate Winslet, Naomi Watts, Kate Hudson, Amanda Seyfried, and Helen Mirren.

The first issues of Kopeysk newspaper photographed Johnny Depp back in 2009. When the newspaper had a picture of Johnny Depp, the readers had a shock.

Johnny got the newspaper from Jack Tewksbury, a Hollywood film producer of “The Great Gatsby”, “Die Hard 5” and, by happy coincidence, the husband of the former resident of Kopeysk – Margarita. It was her own idea to glorify her local newspaper in Hollywood.

For four years, they penetrate into the dressing room of Hollywood celebrities, take photos of stars and offer them to participate in photo session with a fresh newspaper, sent to the United States from the distant Urals.

“We have an agreement with Margaret and her husband, that we publish in our newspaper announcements about the world film premieres and interviews with the actors who participated in the creation of these films. One time we even took $ 200 for each announcement” – explains the executive secretary of Dmitry Sogrin.