“The Lady Of Dreams”: Surreal Vintage Photo Collages From The No-Photoshop Era By Grete Stern » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
“The Lady Of Dreams”: Surreal Vintage Photo Collages From The No-Photoshop Era By Grete Stern – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

“The Lady Of Dreams”: Surreal Vintage Photo Collages From The No-Photoshop Era By Grete Stern

It is no news that women have historically found it harder to develop themselves as professionals in diverse male-dominated work environments. This is even truer in the case of female artists in the 1930s: Stern had to struggle against all imaginable and unimaginable odds, in order to become one of the pioneers of modern photography in Argentina and a referent of protest art in the world.

When German artist Grete Stern and Argentine photographer Horacio Coppola met at the Bauhaus in Berlin in 1932, Coppola had already made incursions into photography and film while Stern had done the same with typography and graphic design experiments. They became a well-known couple within the intellectual scene of Berlin, but when the Nazi party began to gain power, they departed for London, where they married, and later arrived in Argentina.

h/t: vintag.es