Michelle Rial’s Real Life Charts – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Michelle Rial’s Real Life Charts

This graph made me laugh because Lent began last week and a friend said they were giving up watermelon. That doesn’t seem like much of a sacrifice in February. Michelle Rial is a designer who is really into charts. Some of her charts include real-life objects that illustrate the subject of the chart.

Rial began using everyday objects—which includes everything from food to office supplies to wine stains to floss—after a neck injury forced her to step away from her computer and away from the types of illustrations she had been doing previously. Using found objects cut down on some of the physical pain of illustrating for Rial and has resulted in some really cool, unique pieces of art with a great sense of humor.

More info: Instagram, Shop (h/t: neatorama, boingboing)

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