These Doodles Explain Why Every Millennial Is Having A Tough Time Growing Up – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

These Doodles Explain Why Every Millennial Is Having A Tough Time Growing Up

Clare Kayden Hines is an illustrator who’s managed to nail our struggles perfectly. These amazing illustrations describe the life of us millennials right to the T.

Clare started drawing from a very young age. “I started drawing after I got my first dog, Buttercup,” she told Bored Panda. “I was 5 and I was so obsessed with her that all I wanted to do was draw her on every piece of paper I could find. I eventually expanded to drawing other subjects beyond dogs. I’ve taken a few drawing classes, but in general, I just doodled and drew for fun… mostly during class or boring meetings. Probably way too much. My classmates started noticing me drawing in class and would ask me to draw pictures of their dogs for them!”

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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