Indonesian Designer Combines Unlikely Pairs Of Things To Create Clever Logos » Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007
Indonesian Designer Combines Unlikely Pairs Of Things To Create Clever Logos – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Indonesian Designer Combines Unlikely Pairs Of Things To Create Clever Logos

The brand essence is intangible, yet it must derive from a complementary sum of its concrete elements – names, slogans, logos, and even jingles. Arguably logos, among other brand symbols, have a slightly more significant role to perform when it comes to leaving those lasting indelible impressions.

And one artist in particular, Indonesian designer Rendy Cemix, does a marvelous job of creating logos that combine familiar with creative, resulting in works of art that are apt, minimalist and aesthetically-pleasing.

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda