Spanish Artist Converts Intimate Moments Of Gorgeous Women Into Pastel Paintings – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Spanish Artist Converts Intimate Moments Of Gorgeous Women Into Pastel Paintings

The tender beauty of women has been a source of inexhaustible inspiration for artists of all mediums for ages. A 63-year-old Spanish artist Vicente Romero Redondo explores femininity through his amazing figurative paintings.

More: Vicente Romero Redondo, Instagram, Facebook h/t: boredpanda

The artist converts gorgeous young women and girls in natural and intimate environments such as a garden, sea, or bedroom into captivating artwork on canvas. Soft and harmonious color palettes, a subtle dance of light and shadows and genius dialogue of painting techniques with oil and pastel add to the romantic and even poetic atmosphere of his paintings.

Vicente Romero Redondo, who got his Bachelor’s degree in sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts of San Fernando in Madrid, settled in Costa Brava in 1987 and his luminous and peaceful studio without doubt reflects in his delicate style.