“Face Values”: The Surreal and Disturbing Collage Portraits of John Stezaker – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

“Face Values”: The Surreal and Disturbing Collage Portraits of John Stezaker

John Stezaker is a British conceptual artist born in 1949. For the past fifty years, Stezaker has been making some of the most arresting and disturbing collages from found photographs, postcards, book plates, and magazines.

h/t: flashbak

He eventually used a razor to cut clean, sharp divisions in photographs before putting them together again–creating “a sort of photographic Cubism.” He has said the action of using a razor to cut into a photographic print is “odd’ and “unnerving” like cutting into flesh.

During the 1980s, Stezaker developed a series of “Marriage” portraits where male and female Hollywood stars and bit players were placed together, mixing male and female to create an androgynous third.

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