After A Huge Snowfall, Lithuanians Went Out And Made Snow Sculptures – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

After A Huge Snowfall, Lithuanians Went Out And Made Snow Sculptures

A recent heavy snowstorm in Lithuania inspired dozens of residents to build unexpected snow sculptures. Lithuanians don’t get heavy snowfall every winter, but when they do—they get really creative. After the country was hit by a snowstorm, causing traffic disruptions, sunken roofs, and a snow cover of 30 cm, people quickly started sculpting.

More: Instagram, Facebook h/t: boredpanda

Giant octopuses, sharks, penguins, owls, and big-toothed seals emerged in the most unusual places, including the fairy-tale-like Vilnius Old Town. A cute Minion holding a bouquet, a human-size teddy-bear sitting comfortably with a barrel of honey, a Pikachu with a Pokémon ball, and other fantasy characters made it to the snowy collection as well. Some people even started building big coronaviruses out of snow, hoping they vanish from the Earth once the sun melts them down.

The return of true snowy Lithuanian winter inspired the citizens so much that their attention to detail makes it hard to believe that some of these creations were not built by professional ice sculptors. With the thermometer marking a mild sub-zero temperature, the snow’s texture stays perfect for such exciting projects.