This Brilliant Dad Shoots Classic Pictures Of His Daughter Inspired From Old Oil-Paintings – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

This Brilliant Dad Shoots Classic Pictures Of His Daughter Inspired From Old Oil-Paintings

Bill Gekas is a renowned photographer from Australia who is known for his classic recreation of portraits very much resembling some old oil paintings. Just like any other father Bill started shooting his daughter but his talent and extremely creative senses sparked the idea to recreate these classic old paintings and the result to no one’s surprise became a huge sensation.

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Bill Gekas is a multi-awarded and published photographer that was born and resides in Melbourne Australia.

His works have been published in various art journals, books, magazines, newspapers, and other media outlets worldwide including BBC, NBC Today, ABC News, Daily Mail, and others.

Although he occasionally shoots commissioned work, the renowned and exhibited works are primarily of his young daughter portraying a protagonist in a storytelling scene, a universal child. The stylistic approach he is known for is a fusion of the atmosphere, light, and colors of the old master painters’ works using modern strobe lighting, digital capture, and post-processing techniques.